Re: Instructors & Formaldehyde

Judy Seigel (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 18:39:59 -0400 (EDT)

Well it's still only Sunday 6:30 PM here, so we see that in this as in
so much else, England is ahead of us.

On Mon, 1 Jul 1996, TERRY KING wrote:

> As to ossein, ten of my students bought 56 pounds of the stuff as they could see
> that it works.

And what do these students think is a gum print? Something you spray and

> As to formadehyde, has anybody checked out Aldrich at 414 273 3850 in Milwaukee.
> They supply responsibly in the UK without all the problems that US persons seem
> to be having.

Terry, your implication here seems to be that if we can't buy formaldehyde
it's due to some ineptitude or poor thinking or general fuddlement on our
part... But as is so often the case, you appear not to have registered what
I've said ...

Glyoxal, which is available, much less toxic and dangerous, has no hazard
charge, is actually cheaper, not unpleasant to use (very little odor, no
stinging of eyes and throat), DOES THE JOB BETTER, BETTER BETTER. My
experience with formaldehyde, which is considerable, BTW, is that even the
next day, paper that was thoroughly dried outdoors when brought into the
studio outgasses sufficiently to make the eyes & throat burn.

Therefore,smart Americans, in fact smart persons everywhere, will use
glyoxal. I'm not going to tell you this again.
