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From: LESMD@aol.com
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 16:42:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Rodinal and reversal film dev
Mike, Judy et al
I just finished making 16 x 20 negatives using Freestyle lith film
(recently purchased and age unknown) in Rodinal developer 1:25 dilution,
developed at 72xF for 2-3 minutes and was very pleased with the results.
No mottling; previous attempts at using this type of film with dilute
Dektol obtained mottled brown negatives. Four liters (enough to fill
the 16 x 20 trays) of working solution of Rodinal at this dilution was
able to process a dozen 16 x 20 sheets of film without any decernible
differences. These negatives were used for gum prints and the proof of
the pudding is the gum prints were easy to make. The only problem is
the pinholes and other dust spots which seem to proliferate in this
BTW, the original 35 mm negative was enlarged to 4 x 5 interpositive on
to Agfa N 31p developed in HC 110 diluted from stock 1:3.
Larry Shapiro