You said:
>And of the few samples that did clear, ****NONE**** cleared as nicely as
>the plain unsized paper (among those that can be printed without a size)
I thought we were talking about substrates. When we first met I suggested that
starting with an unsized paper was a useful approach and you pooh-poohed the
If you dichromate the ossein, it clears in gently running water and does the job
we ask of it. What's different ? Maybe if we could resolve if there is a
difference in practice off line, we could then tell everyone else what it is,
if anybody is still interested.
>Let's say it's right up there with Mother Theresa. And that there is some
>other factor in your UK practice, or my US practice, that causes the
>difference. This Terry seemed not, as far as I could tell, to explore,
>simply advising that I "must be missing something." I daresay.
If everything I did was UK practice and everything you did was US practice, I
suspect that the world would need a lot more Mother Theresas.
All I can say Judy is that the ossein does what we ask of it for carbon tissue,
carbon transfer tissue, gum(as a size),and oil oigment printing. So, as the
poem, 'The Steam Fire Engine', has it, 'It is useful'.