Speaking for myself I am *not* concerned for the following reasons:
1-In my kitchen I have a whole shelf of books with titles like _The Only
Cookbook You'll Ever Need_:-)
2-Books are obsolete the minute the ink is dry. With others, I'm currently
working on several technologies 99.9% of the people on this list have never
even heard of.
3-The more books the better. The field becomes legitimized.
4-Sales of my Gum book went UP after Scopick's book came out. Quiet Judy!;-)
>idiosyncrasy may be a selling point. With the right format, say three
>ring binder, errata sheets and updates are trivial. Something like the
>old Kodak handbooks.
5-The Photo-Lab Index (Morgan & Morgan) was set up that way and I have
never met a person who could figure out how to update it... When did they
go out of business?
6-For your project to work you'll need thousands of hours of volunteer time.
I too am working with Framemaker for a version of my next Encyclopedia that
will be available through printing-on-demand next year. It's a *lot* of
Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada