You ask
>1. Can anyone recommend a decent brown pigment(including brand).
I have had very poor luck with burnt sienna, and van Dyke in Rowney
and Grumbacher.
I use Winsor & Newton because they give consistent results. I suggest using
Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber and Raw Umber as the browns in your palette.
>2. Can anyone comment on the effectiveness of gelatin sizing by sponging
one side as opposed to dunking, and the effectiveness of hardning by
including the formalin in the gelatin instead of a separate bath.
Make sure the temperature of your 3 % gelatine is above 38 C when you apply it
with a hake brush kept for the purpose. Use heavier papers, 250-300 gsm. I
prefer to use a dichromated gum size where you dry the unpigmented but
dichromated gum in the dark expose it for a couple of minutes and then wash
until the dichromate has cleared. I avoid unnecessary nasties so I do not use
Terry King
PS: I certify that I have been to the archives and FAQ and have not found
answers to the above.