This thought crossed my mind just before someone tried to download the archive
all at once and upset Steve. At which point I decided against pursuing the idea.
But Steve's reaction then underlined his comments on the amount of voluntary
labour that would be required..
If the idea is to be taken further we need a good idea of the likely size of the
publication, the production and distribution costs and the size of the market so
that we estimate a selling price to the punter. We also need to establish who is
going to carry the up front costs, ie stand the commercial risk.
The main difficulty seems to me to be that those people who are likely to have
the expertise to do it are earning their livings by doing it.
If these problems can be overcome then I certainly would be delighted to help.
Incidentally the ossein/Knox's gelatine saga has been settled on the basis of
chaqu'un a son gout.
Terry King