Re : Alt Book
Wed, 3 Jul 96 14:07:00 +12000

Dick S. writes :
>...I will try, (I said try) to mediate and compile what comes in, and
Steve Avery can jump in as well, and if Steve wants to do it all, then I
can help if that's the way to go...

Not Steve

>...I guess what we're doing is just a book length FAQ file,
instead of just one or two people writing it, we have the whole group

A FAQ file is too short to sum up/explain the different techniques in @
I guess everybody isn't interested in this task.

>Not only do we need the processes themselves, but other topics like
negatives, papers, etc.

In this case, you're about to write an encyclopaedia. Good luck.

Judy says:
>However, I do not believe you can publish someone's words without their
permission. I am told (by others who claimed to know) that anything put
on a newsgroup is public domain, but an e-mail list isn't, because e-mail

Damn rite! And don't forget that this list has no limit, it works all over
the world. Which means that the publishers could meet different
legislations, different laws concerning copyright, publishing,... In
Belgium for exemple there's no legislation concerning e-mail lists, it
could be considered as to be public domain...

Steve Avery' meaning :
>What I would propose, and which may be a lot more practical, is that
people contribute short (1 page, maybe 2 max) "articles" on very
specific topics. This means people don't have to worry about writing a
journal paper on a topic. When it comes to very broad subject areas
(like comparing different papers), longer articles might be required.

Well, seems to me that's a good idea... That's how Michel Frizot and his
co-workers wrote "La Nouvelle Histoire de La Photographie". And this kind
of presentation is not to hard for the reader. You can easily jump from a
subject to another one. This is maybe the best solution to classify /
annotate / retrieve old articles of the list.

>However, I don't think you all know what you're getting yourself into.
Writing articles isn't as easy as you might think. It requires a lot of
work to be lucid and succinct. And it takes a lot of time to write
anything worth reading. There are people on the list (Carson, Luis,
Maxim, etc) who would probably back me up on this and have a lot more

I guess we'd first establish a kind of hierarchy to be able to define who's
who, how & what to do...

Luis Nadeau :
>1-In my kitchen I have a whole shelf of books with titles like _The Only
Cookbook You'll Ever Need_:-)

Are you trying to say that you still can't cook Luis?

>2-Books are obsolete the minute the ink is dry.
I'm currently working on several technologies 99.9% of the people on this
list have never even heard of.

That's a fact! Maybe we could use IT. Print on Demand. It also means that,
at least, one person will/should/could/would be obliged to update the
informations everyday

>3-The more books the better. The field becomes legitimized.

Luis, do you really need to have your branch legitimized to work in?

Finally do you think such a publication could be interesting if written
only in english???
Don't you see that we have the opportunity to have here in english, french,
german & spanish?