Re: Enlarged Negatives + Inter Positives for Palladium

Sandy Vrooman (
Mon, 8 Jul 1996 22:46:32 -0400 (EDT)

I'm just getting started with Gum printing and Cyanotype, and have
found it difficult to find large format negative film (not to mention
the cost per sheet). Has anyone tried to use ortho lith film? It's
significantly cheaper per sheret and is redilly available in large
sizes (used in the offset printing process). It's supposed to be
processsed in an A/B developer to produce high contrast negatives. What
I'd like to know is, has anyone tried such film using a POTA developer
which is supposed to yeild very low contrast and wide range (up to 20
stops). I think if you use this developer with the litho film you'd get
resonable gradation.