Polymer photogravure

Strange Ross (ross@axp.psl.ku.dk)
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 13:51:52 +0200


By the end of last year I posted a brief description of my first encounter
with a new technique for producing continuous-tone photogravure by means of
photopolymer, a technique which was discovered in 1989 by the Danish
lithographer Eli Ponsaing, and which is described in detail in his book
"Photopolymergravure: A New Method", Copenhagen: Borgen, 1995 (ISBN
87-21-00396-3, appr. $35.-; written in both Danish and English). Since then
I have further elaborated the various procedures involved in the technique,
and I now feel confident in offering a description of these as a supplement
to the book to anybody interested.

My notes are located at my home page, at http://axp.psl.ku.dk/~ross/. Since
the notes are fairly bulky (17k uncompressed, 6k compressed), and since
they probably are of interest only to a minority of the list members, they
will not be posted on this list. Should anybody without access to the Web
be interested in the notes, I shall be pleased to e-mail these directly; in
such a case, please state whether compressed or uncompressed text is


Strange Ross
Hvidehusvej 35
DK-3450 Aller=F8d
Denmark Phone: (+45) 48 17 42 92 http://axp.psl.ku.dk/~ross/