Re: Enlarged Negatives + Inter Positives for Palladium
Sandy Vrooman (
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 19:22:47 -0700
>I'm just getting started with Gum printing and Cyanotype, and have
>found it difficult to find large format negative film (not to mention
>the cost per sheet). Has anyone tried to use ortho lith film? It's
>significantly cheaper per sheret and is redilly available in large
>sizes (used in the offset printing process). It's supposed to be
>processsed in an A/B developer to produce high contrast negatives. What
>I'd like to know is, has anyone tried such film using a POTA developer
>which is supposed to yeild very low contrast and wide range (up to 20
>stops). I think if you use this developer with the litho film you'd get
>resonable gradation.
What I do with the Ortho Litho is use a fine ground glass to create grain
or a dither pattern and process the positive in the A/B developer. I then
contact print to make the negative and process in weak Lauder's paper
developer for a continous tone negative.
Sandy Vrooman
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Bernard Berenson, historian