Re: UV light outputs?

John Rudiak (
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 22:24:05 -0600 (MDT)

> Dear Glenn:
> All fluorescent tubes have a warm up period, and becasue they generate
> very little heat it might behoove you to leave them on and put some
> type of shutter over them to block out the light. The other
> consideration with fluorescent tubes is that they do not like to be
> turned on and off freguently, it greatly reduces there life-span. SO
> if you could devise some to turn the fixture on at the beginning of
> your session and leave it on the whole session you will greatly extend
> the life of your bulbs.
> John N3BVH

While I am sure that you are right about reducing the life span of the
tubes by turning them on and off frequently, I wonder how significant
this is under real world conditions. I have been using the same twelve
uncoated black light tubes now for four years, turning them on and off
for every print. I make a lot of prints.

Of course I realize that having said this, when I go to print tomorrow
morning, at least one tube will burn out. How long do tubes last for
other printers using an exposing unit like this?
