Selenium toning formula II

Francisco Garcia Maceda (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 01:56:06 -0600

Some time ago I asked for a formula for selenium toning and received a
couple of replies from the list. I just got my hands in the June 1942 issue
of American Photography and I have just found another one:

Hot water 700 cc.
Sodium sulphite 150 g
Powdered selenium 6 g
Boil until dissolved. Cool to 65 deg F and add while stirring
Ammonium chloride 190 g
Add water to make 1000 cc.

And speaking of finds, in the 1907 Indicateus de la Photographie I
mentioned the other day, there are several articles on electric photography;
FAX, and it has printed photos to show the results. Pity I do not read
French. Any francophone wants it :-)

Francisco Garcia Maceda