Re: Processing 4x5 sheet film

Albert Strauss (
Sat, 27 Jul 1996 16:26:57 +0000

At 03:02 PM 7/27/96 +0000, Per Volledal wrote:

>I am lookin for a daylight developin tank for 4x5. I do not want hangers.
>Tray processing is no alternative because my darkroom in not lightproof
>enough for film in summer, and I do not like to put my fingers into the
>Today I am using a Jobo rotary processor with a sheet film drum, but
>neither diluting the developer nor cutting back on developing time produces
>the long tonal-scale negatives I get using smaller film formats with 2-bath
>developers and much less agitation.
>If anyone can recommend me a good daylight tank (lightproof, cheap, one
>that is not leaking, readily available, etc.:-)), I would be grateful.
>Equally important from my geographical standpoint, is a place I can get it
>from. As I have to order it by fax or e-mail, it is really of no importance
>where in the world that is, except there probably will be a need for them
>to undertand english, and preferably accept Visa.
Why not use the Jobo 2509 reel w/loader base. This works very well as a daylight
tank with hand agitation.

I have also used the HP COMBI-PLAN T daylight tank. It works very well. It is a
german product so it should be easily available to you.

Hope this helps
