Re: Gum on glass?
Thu, 1 Aug 1996 19:37:05 -0400

In a message dated 96-08-01 04:45:55 EDT, you write:

<< Is it at all possible to make a gum print on glass or plexiglass. >>

This is something that I played with a few years ago and would like to get
back to. I had some success using the same substrate on the glass that I
used for Collotype.

Substrate: mixed in three solutions

A: 1 gram gelatin (Knox)
50 cc water
B: 1 gram Potassium Alum
50 cc water
C: 10 cc Sodium Silicate (Egg Keep)
50 cc water

Warm up the gelatin, put B into A stir, add C, and filter out the milky

If you have a point source for exposure, I think it would be fun to play with
the very thick coats of gum coating, exposing through the back of the glass.
In Collotype you actually pour the solution on a level sheet of glass. It
would seem that some interesting effects could be had if you combined this
with some thinner coats exposed from the front.

When I used glass I had to be sure to have a very black backing behind the
glass to prevent halation. Although sometime even that was fun.

I guess Judy will always be on my case as I always seem to think in terms of
building up multiple coats.


Bernard Boudreau