Re: Lightbox Questions

Mon, 05 Aug 1996 22:08:32 -0400 (EDT)

All FL tube produce some UV light because inside the tube is a mercury
arc. The spectrum of mercury has stong lines in the UV portion of the spectrum.
However, a lot of this UV light is absorbed by the glass and the phosphor.
Answer: You can use ordinary FL bulbs but your won't get as much UV light
so your exposures will be longer that they would be if you were using
special FL Blacklight or UV bulbs or some other strong UV source like
an exposed carbon arc or the sun.

The closer you get to the fixture with the widely spaced bulbs, to more
uneven the lighting will be. Of course as you move further away, you will
get a more even distribution of light but a lot less of it.

I would suggest that you run some tests.

The archives should contain an extensive discussion of UV sources and
FL bulbs if you can find it.

Bob Schramm