Re: Newcomer

DEREK WATKINS (100015.635@CompuServe.COM)
16 Aug 96 03:59:49 EDT

> Like you, I've been lurking, hoping to get my enthusiasm perked-up
to go back into alt procs. What is Darkroom User? Sounds as if it
might be a magazine or other periodical. I'm an avid reader, and note
that since the advent of the personal computer the news-stand has
fewer periodicals about photography (especially darkroom work) than
earlier. A bad trend! Could you be so kind as to supply some info on
Darkroom User, a subscription address (if appropiate) etc.? <


Darkroom User is an excellent magazine published in the UK by Foto Format
Publications, PO Box 4, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8WB, UK. Telephone number is +44
1654 703 752. The publisher and editor, Ed Buziak has an e-mail address: Drop him a message, call him or write and he'll give
you details of subscriptions.

Hope this helps,