Relieving Stress and Anxiety in Papers
Stephen R. Harrison (102053.1342@CompuServe.COM)
18 Aug 96 17:04:31 EDT
The discussions re substrate and gum and particularly the important comments
raised by Bas van Velzen bring me to ask a related questions re papers lying
flat. I use Bienfang 360 marker paper for Platinum and Pd printing. The
Bienfang is a very beautiful translucent tissue that I am in love with and in
fact is somewhat similar to the Wyndstone Vellum already discussed on this list.
Once printed there are some problems with the papers not lying flat and slightly
buckling particularly dependent on the weather and relative humidity. I print
lies perfect after it comes out of the dry mount press and then over the day as
it breathes slowely buckles I have tried adding one drop of acrylic gloss
medium into each 24 drops of sensitizer and that helps. I have added Edwald
Print Flattener ( 1:10 ) which contains glycol as a final soak before drying .
That seems to relieve the stress in the paper and they do lie much flatter! #0
How do the print flatteners work ? #1 Is Edwald Print Flattener archival (
Edwald said on the telephone that it was ) and is there any damage to the paper
using it over the long haul.#2 I tried humidifying the print after the print
was dry in a humidity chamber and flattening it is blotters overnight. Is there
any value in this? #3 Any other products that decrease the papers tendency to
absorb moisture that can be applied to the print.#4 Bas..where can I get the
Japanese dahlia sprayer: super super?