Re: Handling Cyanide

Howard W Etkind (
Sun, 18 Aug 1996 17:23:03 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 18 Aug 1996, Peter Marshall wrote:

> Fine so long as you don't have cuts. From memory the lethal dose of
> potassium cyanide is not particularly small - as I said I "handled" many
> more poisonous materials.
> However I don't think it a practice to be encouraged.
> Peter Marshall

Yes, but that dose of potassium cyanide in a oral dose...and is changed
to hydrogen cyanide in the stomach, which then rises and is inhaled into
the lungs.

Dermal exposure should be avoided, however and the solution is to keep
silver nitrate off the skin by proper industrial hygiene techniques.

Out of curiosity, I was reading and old, old, medical text book of my
grandfathers, who started practice in 1931 about sexual disorders. One
of the "cures" for masterbation in the male was to inject, using a LARGE
cathater, silver nitrate into the bladder, while massaging the prostate
with the other hand. The author, reported a very high "cure" rate. A
simple understanding of male anatomy would indicate a cure
for complaints of ANY disease.

Have a nice day and I would be glad to answer any more questions about
safety of photo chemicals...

Howard Etkind