Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
26 Aug 96 04:46:49 EDT


Gary said

>On the subject of clearing with EDTA or Phosphoric acid, why on earth would you

>want to clear it overnight!

It was washing overnight.

> My experience with both agents is that you
>want to clear the print efficiently and get it out of the soup!

Sound common sense!

> The longer
>you soak papers, or at least Cranes platinotype and Ecru papers, the more
>chance that there will be some sorts of delamination of the paper. Where
>a small bubble or blister will lift.

I use Fabriano and Waterford and the overnight wash for pt/pd does not seem to
do them any harm. Overnight is not to suit a method but convenience. I use both
papers for gum printing as well and I do wash those over night to no ill effect.

>I would think, though I am not a scientist nor papermaker, that long term
>clearing with both EDTA and acid would have a deleterious effect on paper
>strength quality. I have noticed that long term clearing of a print made
>predominately of palladium in EDTA or Phos. acid will bleach (reduce) the

As gary implies get to the optimum and get it out.

Terry King