Re: Revival

Peter Marshall (
Mon, 9 Sep 96 07:42 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <v01540500ae5818c15e6e@>

> Peter Marshall wrote:
> ..
> >though some may have been active in them in the '30's? There was also the
> >occasional contribution to the RPS journal on the subject, I think mainly
> From abroad - I remember an article about the Fresson process - perhaps
> >Echague? - I think in the mid 70's.
> I did write "The Fresson Process" in the _Photographic Journal_, Vol. 120,
> No. 7, July 1980, p. 299. This article was mostly of historical interest.


The article of which I have a vague memory would have appeared in 1973 or
1974, so it could not have been yours. I think I left the RPS in 1974,
perhaps 75. Of course it may even have been another process!

Peter Marshall

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