Re: ethyl alcohol

Jack Fulton (jfulton@itsa.ucsf.EDU)
Mon, 09 Sep 1996 06:13:37 +0000

This particular alcohol is often used for diluting perfume into cologne
or drinking spirits as grain alcohol. The stuff you would purchase in
the hardware store would be denatured alcohol.
It was used originally in photography in the preparation of collodion
and as a preservative in emulsion. For fun, you can use it to dry
processed and washed film almost immediately as it sucks the water out.
Fun when you have a class and you wish to print right away what you
demonstrated. I think that properly, the most common denatured alcohol
used in photography is called Methyl. So you would be cool if you chose
either Methyl or Denatured in either your hardware or pharmacy store.