Re: Revival & Gelobrom & Winchester

Luis Nadeau (
Sat, 14 Sep 1996 01:23:33 +0300

>Judy asked:
>>On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, Terry King wrote:
>>> I saw some of Mike's gelobroms at Bath yesterday. They were of such
>>quality that I at
>>> first glance thought that they were platinums.
>>What's a gelobrom?
>>And what's a winchester? (In US it's a frontier-type rifle.)

Terry replied:

>!. A gelobrom, as I recall, is a kind of carbro where instead of contacting a

gelabrome (from GELAtin and bromide) is described in _Modern Carbon
Printing_. Results can be quite similar to high quality carbros.

>silver gelatine print to the dichromated gelatine which is then inked up, the
>original print is used but is inked up before it is bleached. Mike Shorter
>me he has done quite an amount of work on the process recently; his
>results show
>that the work was worthwhile. I do not know if Mike is on the list and I have
>mislaid his address; .
>I know that Joyce Peck has it. (Joyce, please let us know). Mike is keen to
>spread the word. The process is older than the name.

Gelabrome is a variation of the Gum-Printing on Bromide worked out by
Greehall, in 1919. See my Encyclopedia for more info.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada