Re: "alternative"

Richard Wheeler (
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 12:32:04 -0400 (EDT)


Well, I'm certainly not implying that there is some sort of
alt-photo-process cabal with a secret agenda. I have just noticed that
in some of the few times I have seen this list get nasty, opinions have
been belittled because the people who gave them don't post regularly.
Sometimes these are responses to out and out flames which shouldn't have
been on the list in the first place. Who ever said that newbees don't
get support? I certainly didn't.

And no, I am certainly not suggesting that you don't post. I think that this is a spurious debating
point that you are trying to score on there; would anyone really make
such a daft suggestion? I am just saying that I've noticed some
friction on this point before,
that it has stuck in my head, and that it bothers me on some level.
But it is really a mionr point for me since there is such a wealth of
positive feedback from the list.

As for your alt-proc definition, I'm all for it. Basically my point is
that we shouldn't be saying, "well, its not hand coated and its not
non-silver and they didn't make their paper from scratch so, no, its not

richard u wheeler