I'm glad we agree on the definition. I wonder if during the 1960's
"revival" what they were really looking for was an "alternative look"
and the old, what I call, victorian printing processes, were retrieved
and named alternative processes. I guess what I am saying is that it is
the spirit of the thing rather than the exact process which makes it
I'm sorry you had a bad initial experience with this list. You are
right, there have been some nasty words tossed around, but I think
those involved have turned over a few new leaves so that you are unlikly
to see any more of that. I confess to being a little gruff when
someone rattled my cage, but I really try not to be that way. I care
not for contraversy and try my best to avoid it. I suspect a lot of
it comes about due to our failure to communicate properly. We run into
enough of it in the real world so we don't need any more in cyberspace.
Heres to better communication, better understanding and pleasant
conversation with our cyberfriends.
Bob Schramm