Re: Platinum Portraits

auer (
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 18:58:34 -0700

Terry King wrote:
> Gary
> Thank you for your comprehensive reply.
> I also use the Nikor F9 lens which, as you imply, requires a safari from the
> back to trhe front of the camera for head shots. I compound the difficulty by
> exposing FP4 at 25 ISO so that I can get a neg with full density range. In
> consequence my exposures at around 1:1 tend to about one second. Works for grown
> ups and mature kids. I also use an Ektar 14 inch and a Super Angulon F8, 165mm
> which seems to produce close ups with remarkably little distortion. Even when
> shoved up my own nose.
> I have used platinum on gum for landscape but not portraits , yet !
> How can I see an example of your prints ?
> terry

Hello from the desert,

For my large format I use tri x (8x10)and hp5(11x14). I rate both at 100. I cannot
handle anything slower. By the time bellows factors..... How do you keep anybody still for a one second
exposure? Any time I am below 1/8 I get nervous. (Well, not nervous) I push my development another stop.

I like Tri x but I have great difficulty getting good density on the HP5. I use to use Super XX, developed
in DK 50, and it was wonderful. I am frustrated with my 11x14 negatives currently. Obviously, we like to
get the density that allows for no contrast additive.

I also have a 250 WF Ektar, which I like, but most of my work goes thru the Nikon.

Terry, you can see my web site,
I posted an article on platinum printmaking that you can click to from my site. On-Line Photography.

Currently no work on display in Europe or UK. My last show on your side of the drink was in Geneva last May.