Re: sizing paper

Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
27 Sep 96 04:04:35 EDT

To ye of good size

Judy quoted:
I like the sound of someone's suggestion of brushing it on while
> warm, but have never tried this myself.

Judy said:

>Bernie Boudreau said that he found brushed-on gelatine wasn't as long
>lasting, tended to wash out sooner, but that he would use a brush-on size
>for a refresher, midprint.

As I said briefly on the list yesterday and at greater length in the archive,
you can avoid the necessity of pre-sizing yourself if you use a well sized paper
such as Bockingford or Fabriano 5 and brush with warm size between coats.

Quicker, cleaner, less effort and just as effective. You get going straight

But the method of sizing and the need for it depend upon the paper used. When
using hot pressed 100 % cotton papers I size or pre-coat with dichromated
exposed and developed Gloy, ( my funnyname for this is the pterotype).

But for beginners I suggest sticking to the Bockingford method.

>I also have used brush-on size and found an additional problem -- with
>the gelatine size on one side of the paper only it tends to curl like

Apply it warm and dry it quickly and use a paper of an appropriate weight ( 140
lb ) and this will not happen.
