> In the past we have mentioned glass rod and acrylic rod. I don't know what
> acrylic rod is. Where can one get one?
> I suppose it must be useful also for spreading gelatine for making pigment
> tissue? Some books/articles calls for glass rod.
Industrial Plastics on Canal Street has a bin in the back of the store
with many types and sizes of acrylic rods, hollow and solid. But the rod
I've used for "squeegeeing" paper is what's sold as a plastic mailing
tube. The rigid acrylic somehow didn't readily connect with the edge of
tray all along the line. The squishier plastic at least gives the
impression of connecting better.
However, see my previous post....
PS. There's another big mail order plastics company -- is that US
Plastics? It will come to me. Somewhere I have a catalog...