Re: sizing paper

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 23:03:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Peter Charles Fredrick wrote:
Terry said:
> There is no need to preshrink.
> Again a very simplistic statement, if you use a plastic based paper you do
> not need to preshrink, if you use a quality hand made paper , also you
> don't need to preshink ,but if you use mould made papers up do to 300 gms,
> then you do.

And if you do one coat gum, no need to preshrink. The trick of course is
to be certain in advance it's going to be one coat.

Meanwhile, I have *never* found a paper that didn't shrink on first
wetting, though maybe I didn't try a "quality hand made paper." Is Buxton
hand made? That certainly shrank plenty. Any others you care to mention?

But those are stern warnings from the gum police about doing too many
coats. When the mood -- and the need-- are upon me I can do a dozen. I
would say, however, that telling another printer how many gum coats are
proper and necessary is an exercise in --------- (fill in the blank).

> Sorry for butting in, but, butt me no butts :-) oh dear I'm in trouble with
> judy again for being silly.

Who, moi?
