I absolutely do not think we should exclude discussions like this from this
list. The product to which this this list is oriented is communication. The
communication technique the members of this list chose is damned
complicated, as
well as time and money consuming, so it should be allowed to scrutinize the
sense of our efforts. Or is using alt.processes just another form of
masturbation? >>
It seems to me that the purpose of this list is to exchange technical
information. I come on line to find answers to my questions, get advice
about various tech. problems, see how ohter people are working out processes
and hopefully from time to time help others with their needs. If I want to
fill my mailbox with theroy or other verbal masturbation I can subscribe to
many lists that will fullfill those needs. Now the list has broken down to
name calling and rather petty stupid discussions. THERE IS NO NEED FOR
THAT! Lets get back to the friendly exchange of thecnical information. If
you need more in your life subscribe to the PHOTOART list. Maybe some people
like to shop in Walmart where all their needs are met with semi-quality
products and know one really knows anything about what they are selling . I
am of the old school. I like specialty stores that only see one kind of
product but sell it well and know all about it. So is this list to be come
the Walmart of photography or will we remain a specialty list dealing with
the process as pure process without all the theory? God knows it's hard
enough to make a good alt. process print without all the other