Kallitypes - Do I want to try it ?

McFarland,Doug D (Doug_D_McFarland@xn.xerox.com)
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 09:56:29 PDT

Folks -

I'm interested in an alternative print process, and I believe that Platinum /
Palladium is a bit pricey for me ... so I'm thinking of Kallitype. I've
pickup and
mostly read through Dick Stevens book "Making Kallitypes". Lots of technical
stuff, not much on the aesthetic value.

What I would like to know is will I get better image quality (longer scale ?)
with Kallitype (assuming I could "master" the process) over my current
traditional Silver emulsion ? I've read that the P/P process has a longer
scale and "depth", but what about Kallitype ?

Nothing I've read talks about the image quality compared to silver. Of course,
I think each alt process has an advantage in image presentation, so just
what is Kallitypes advantage ?

Thanks in advance for any responses -
