Direct Carbon Gelatine .....previously= carbon carbon carbon on this list
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 11:18:05 -0500
Hi Folks, I am talking , here, about Direct Carbon Gelatine...........not
carbon tissue as used in the complex Carbon Transfer technique and not
gumbichromate or derivations, thereof. DCG need not feature gum, at all,
except in minute quantities which is not an important part of the process.
Sounds strange, doesn^t it, but it really is true.Obviously I must have your
actual geographical location if you wish to receive FREE samples and please
allow twenty eight days for delivery as I am preparing them as requested. DCG
is the generic name for the unique pigment printing system used by several
well known names as many will already know. Please see excellent books by
However, I guess a little dialogue might ensue re. DCG as I
have no doubt it has already done on this list before my time.
The past five years of my fifty years pursuance of photo
processes has, only recently , brought success my way with one of the
simplest but most striking pictorially biased photo printmaking processes I
have ever come accross. I feel it will demand a small book outlining in
detail what has only hitherto been touched upon by several worthy names.
Best wishes to all you funsters in the village .
photographist john grocott ( new old boy)