Re: Xray film

Cor Breukel (
Tue, 29 Oct 1996 10:29:15 +0100 (MET)

You wrote:
I have 'come by' some Xray film and so, am looking for
suggestions as to
what I can do (photographically) with it.


Kevin Lock
Western Australia.

..I'am using Konica XA-2 Xray film (20*40cm), blue base. I use it in my
Pinhole camera, an oversized round coffee tin. I develop it in D19, and I
obtain reasonable negs, a bit contrasty though. That is not a problem
since I use these to print cyanotype. I discovered that this film was
actually quite sensitive about 1600 ASA at daylight (which is actually a
bit of aproblem: my exposure times in sunlight are about 2-8 sec, with the
primitive shutter (a piece of black tape) I introduce quite some
unsharpness caused by touching the "shutter", have to find something on
that, suggestions?) It appeared that this Xray film is 2 stops slower
under tungsten light. The film is not sensitive to red light, so you can
process it under red darkroom light...

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"