2 shows in NYC

Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 21:00:35 -0500 (EST)

John Dugdale showing "recent cyanotypes" at Wessel O'Connor Gallery, 60
Thomas St, 6th floor, NYC 10013, 212/ 406-0040

Opens tonight, until Dec. 28th, hours Tues to Sat, 12 to 6 pm
Show is titled "Elysium," 8 by 10 prints in a bright, nearly greenish
blue. (I haven't seen them yet, but gather they are as usual splendid.)

Michael Palladino showing "The Bather Series" at Bridgewater/Lustberg, 560
Broadway, suite 204, NYC 10012 212/941-6355

Until Nov 16th, Tues - Sat 12-6 PM.

Sepia-toned silver prints covered with encaustic. Effect
very effective, I thought.

Sorry I didn't get these notices up before people left for viscom. Maybe
they'll call home...
