Re: K & Na Interchangeability

Keith Dowsett (
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 14:12:13 -0100

>Pt/Pd Persons
>As one sifts through the catalogues sudden spasms of doubt occur.
>In Pt/ Pd printing is there any reason to doubt that the Na and the K are
>interchangeable in the tetrachloropalladate and the tetrachloroplatinate salts.
>ie for K2PdCl4 and K2PtCl4 can one just substitute Na2 for the K2 or not
( all
>figures below the line !) ?
>Terry King

In solution the sodium and potassium salts will behave identically. There is
however to maintain the same concentration of Pt/Pd you will have to add a
little more of the potassium salt.

For palladium the proportions are 294.19 to 326.42

Por platinum the proportions are 382.91 to 415.11

I know these seem like odd values, it's because they are ratios of the
molecular weights.


P.S. Does anyone know anything about Bromoplatinates? I have a gram or so
sitting on the darkroom shelf.

Keith Dowsett "Variables won't; constants aren't."
