Re: Thanks for the ettykett
DEREK WATKINS (100015.635@CompuServe.COM)
07 Nov 96 12:08:25 EST
>Look, I don't really know what's going on, but this is supposed to be a
serious, friendly and helpful list. Humour is of course always welcome, but
I for one have read enough supposedly humorous messages which I cannot
understand but unfortunately suspect to be veiled abuse aimed at people
(from many countries) whose diverse and often conflicting opinions I
greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn of (and from), so that I can
arrive at my own, frequently incorrect, opinion. Furthermore, many people
have to use modems and pay telephone and server bills, so it seems unfair
that they should spend money to have this stuff delivered only to chuck an
increasing percentage of it straight in the bin. Please, please, please
could EVERYONE be a little nicer, and if posting "humorous" mail at least
post messages which there is some chance we can all understand, learn from,
or at least smile about? A few weeks ago this list was a wonderful place,
which it was truly a joy to read - I barely recognise it now. I do of
course value heated and sensible discussion, but I really do think that
private battles should be fought in private. This is not a daytime cheesy
TV melodrama.....
I feel greatly saddened when I see artistic and expert people such as
those on this list being dragged down into the mire.... I am beginning to
think that we should form a pressure group: SOAPP = Save Our
Hear hear!!
Jonathan Anderson