Re: What is Mordancage, Part 2

Peter Marshall (
Wed, 13 Nov 96 07:43 GMT0

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<< I was disappointed, however, to find that in fact there was
not much concrete information in the August exchange.
Luis Nadeau mentioned Glafkides_Chimie_et_Physique_Photographique,
which is apparently out of print. Peter Marshall discussed chemistry
a bit, and thought that there was perhaps a company in the UK that
sold a kit. I think what I'm looking for at this point is a book,
monograph, or journal article that discusses the chemistry and the
process. Can anyone give a reference? >>


I think you will find there was rather more in the archive than you suggest,
as I seem remember posting an alternative bleach mixture which would be less
expensive than one given by someone else together with some fairly extended

Basically I think I used the same bleach as for sepia toning, followed by the
etch bleach, which was a mixture of copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide
solutions. I don't think the concentrations mattered too much - just altered
the speed of the process. The second solution had to be warm - say about 40
degrees Celsius. Wipe with cotton wool in this solution to remove debris.

Following this you can either fix or redevelop, dye the remaining gelatin etc
for the various effects possible.

It is some time since I actually used this technique with students and
probably the easiest way for me to find further information would also be to
search the archives!

However if no one else on the list can supply further information I'll try to
look it out later in the week when I have time. It was certainly dealt with in
a number of books on graphic effects in photography in the 70s and 80s and
also magazine articles. There were at least two manufacturers producing
related materials, one of which was Tetenal - a German firm whose chemicals
are distributed more or less world-wide (including the USA), and it was still
in their catalogue last time I looked. I think it is the item called Tetenal
Fotografik Kit, though the description of this in the price list to hand
sounds completely different!

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows, Dragonfire and elsewhere:
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