Re: Quick salt print query

Richard Morris (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 08:54:17 GMT

Jack Fulton
Re salt print stains.
I have found that salt prints seem to be extra sensitive to light when
washing. Some old journal I read ages ago also made the same comment. I
wash mine under a red light rather than under tungsten. Fluorescent
lighting effects salted paper anyway even when dry. Make sure the container
used for washing is absolutely clean. Ammonium thiosulphate should be OK at
film dilution, but the oldies used plain hypo. Were the prints fixed long
enough? Has all the image fixed right through the paper.
Fresh fixer essential. There are many unknowns in Talbot's chemistry.
Luckily for him he had the right sort of paper available to him. Not so
easy today. I have had problems with some watercolour papers so maybe there
are chemicals embedded in them that are detrimental to the process?
Richard Morris