RE: Liquid Light

Ginger Sheridan 6145934280 (
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 14:08:54 -0500 (EST)

One note on Liquid Light-

The best results (in my egocentric opinion) I have seen with Liquid
Light was done by the Danish photographer Soren Solker. He was doing a project
on Czech photographers where he would photograph the artist in the manner and
with the materials that the artist uses - so this method was not original to him
but (forgive me) I forget what photographer he was emulating.

Anyway, he put the liquid light on quite thick, using a rough brush so
that there are lots of streaks, etc. Then, after exposure, he toned the image
with Selenium. The resultant image looks like a old painting - so if you are
interested in this affect, try it.

Ginger in Ohio