Re: syringes

Eugene Robkin (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:20:47 -0600

If you live in a small town in a farming area and are known as an ok
resident you can buy them by the gross at the farm supply stores. In my
town they are just sitting out on the shelves in boxes along with the
needles. I've never needed any so I don't know what will happen at the
check outs. Obviously, this will vary by location and jurisdiction.

Some woodworkers supply stores sell a device for injecting glue that is
close to a syringe that may do the job for you. They are entirely made of
low quality polethylene and have a poly "needle." Not high quality but they
may work. I have seen in some woodworkers stores a medical syringe modified
so that the standard needles cannot possibly fit. These are probably your
best bet if you can find them.

Anyway try the woodworkers stores and big hardware stores if you live in an
area of low cow, pig, or horse population density.

Gene Robkin