Re: light table (fwd)

Albert Strauss (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 02:31:46 +0000

At 03:58 PM 11/29/96 +0000, Risa wrote:
>A question to all people on the list who use a light fixture contrived from
>flourescent light fixtures bought at a hardware or such store, and UV bulbs:
>How many people do what Judy used to do - with the light pointing up, and
>putting the contact print face down on top of it - versus creating a frame
>for the lights to point down, and sliding a contact frame under it?
>I hadn't envisioned my unit (yet to be made) as the first example, but it
>makes sense : gravity and weights on the backside of a print.

I made my light unit with the tubes facing down. My unit is a box,
consisting of wood
on three sides (the front left open for the printing frame) and a top out of
1/4" masonite
to which I have attached the fluorescent tube holders. The advantages are as

1. Light does not shine into my eyes.
2. One less glass surface to get dirty and to attenuate UV
3. Easy to change spacing of tube to paper by placing thin books under
printing frame.
4. Top can be used as a convenient surface to place unused frame, paper, etc.

