Re: Book: Creative Photo Printmaking by Airey

Bruce Harrison (
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 18:56:43 -0400

At 11:30 AM 12/10/96 +1100, you wrote:
>This message bounced. Original sender was KITSUN19@MAIL.IDT.NET. [Sandy
>- has your email address changed for good?]
>------------------------<included message follows>----------------------
>> Hi, I just saw the title of this book (Creative Photo Printmaking by
>> Theresa Airey) listed in a catalog. Does anyone know about it? Does it
>> have good coverage on alt. processes?

I have taken three courses with Theresa at the Maryland Insitute, College
of Art. She is a great instructor and has a wealth of knowlege regarding
alternative processes, including the use of liquid emulsions, Polaroid
"lifts" and "transfers" and Polaroid SX70 mainipuations, hand coloring of
black and white images, etc. She also had the ability to convey that
knowledge. Based on the page proofs I saw last summer, I would definitely
recommend her book.

By the way, for those interested in the forgoing alt. processes, Threresa
is teaching a two day course at the Maryland Institute this spring on
Saturday March 15 and 18 (from 10am to 4pm on both days). The cost is
$130, plus supplies and materials.

Bruce Harrison