Re: sensitizing for carbon

Pollmeier Klaus (100561.2417@CompuServe.COM)
10 Dec 96 18:58:23 EST

I doubt you'll find that paper in New York. It is called "Castor", intended for
offset printing and distributed by "Papier Union" in Germany. But as you can
work on any paper with carbon, it shouldn't be so difficult to find a paper with
a linnen structure. This structure usually is printed only on one side. Ask
offset printers. Their paper suppliers offer hundreds of different papers.
Certainly this paper's quality in terms of permanence is not always the best,
but they also offer buffered materials. Or try these cheap papers for oil
painting. I personally didn't find that certain paper so beautiful, but it was
buffered and almost identical to what Drtikol was using in the 20s... I prefer
the Fabriano papers.

