Bromoil paper list

Dennis Carlyle (
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 21:12:59 -0800 (PST)

.. so then Per Volledal said ...
> Hello. Thanks for the list.

Hi, Per. Thanks for the info, which I'll add to my list. Hope you
don't mind my posting this publicly, but I'm sure a few others than
myself will find it interesting as well.

> Fotokemika is the name of the manufacturer, similar to Kodak or Agfa. I
> believe the name EMAKS is the name of their warm-tone graded papers, while
> the multicontrast paper is called Varycon. The special Bromoil paper is the
> only one suitable for bromoil of the papers from this manufacturer. I have
> tried som of the others without any succes. They make a bromide paper
> called Bromal, which showed a hint of an image, but nevertheless quite
> useless.

> My batch of the Fotokemika paper came in the yellow EMAKS sleeve, but the
> word EMAKS does not appear anywhere on it.

Maybe you can fill in a few more details, though: print tone -- warm,
cold or neutral? Is it graded / poly-con / or a single grade? Unless
I hear otherwise, I'll assume the bromoil paper is an EMAKS stock, and
shares the characteristics you mention (graded, warm-tone.) Do you
know what grades and sizes are available from your supplier?

> The Fotokemika Bromoil paper is not easy to use. It is, however, suitable
> for emulsion transfer. It is extremely sensitive to temperatures.

Sensitive in what way? Do you mean just developer temperature, bleach,
or what?

> Also, Kentmere makes another paper suitable for Bromoil called Art De Luxe.
> It is double-weight, and at least the norwegian agent say the emulsion is
> similar to Document Art. It is not. It is harder to ink, and look a little
> different.

Good. I had no information on De Luxe, and wondered where I'd seen the
name mentioned. Same questions as for Fotokemika -- tone, surface,
base material, grades -- all these things could be important to some
people, possibly important enough to make special orders rather than
settle for what's availbale locally.

> Has David Lewis started selling the new papers he has mentioned earlier?

I haven't read all the archives yet, but I think you may be mixing
Lewis up with Klaus Pollmeier, who I know has mentioned trying to
get a new paper manufactured.

