Re: anyone?

Gordon Smith (
Sat, 21 Dec 1996 10:14:58 -0700 wrote:
> Sounds interesting. I'd like to hear (read) more on this. I've been working with Polaroid Transfers and SX-70 manipulations. I'd like to photograph right of my 20" monitor out of Photoshop. Has anyone had experience with this? exposure control. How well the resolution comes out. The manipulation and color adjustment possibilities are amazing. I know you can output to a slide and work that way. But the time it takes would hinder creativity.

I've never photographered a monitor but I have taken stills off of a
video from a TV screen and they work pretty much the same. The images
are updated at a rate of about 30 times (frames) per second, so in order
to keep the black raster line off of the exposure, you need to shoot
from a tripod at a speed LESS than 1/30 of a second. Meter and bracket
+/- EV.

Gordon Smith


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