Mon, 23 Dec 1996 06:36:37 -0500
Larry Bullis wrote:
> I use a lot of different developers, including color print chemicals. I
> need a very simple and also cheap method of preserving them. I have
> found a way that is pretty much ideal, at least for my purposes.
> Some of my friends buy wine in bulk packages, which consist of a mylar
> bag (that mirror plastic) in a cardboard box with a polyethylene spigot.
> They save these packages for me. The mylar seems to be totally airtight,
> and the poly is certainly no worse than other containers which are
> commercially available.
These collapsable bags are available as you describe from any photo
supply house.$5.00. I think Kodak distributes them. I didn't know about
the wine boxes tho thanks.I enjoy wine and don't know of any friends
with the boxes. Lets see i'll need at least three B&W ....then
color.....then some extras.......
Best of Holiday spirits to all :-) eido