In-Reply-To: <>
Hi. I'm replying to this a day later than I meant to, because our online
system here is somewhat screwed up (Actually, I hope this gets through...)
The problem is they messed things up somehow so they're a bit broke, which
probably wouldn't be a problem if you were logged into it realtime, but nobody
is, we all have offline readers that download all the mail and send the new
lot and stuff. Anyway, so it tries to download the mail, but half of it, the
other end sends in the wrong place, if you see what i mean, so it doesn't get
received, and instead gets splurged all over the log file. (Luckily, our
software keeps log files. ;)
Anyway, so I'm glad you mime-encoded it otherwise my dad couldn't HELP but
read it seeing he was retrieving stuff from log files ;) 'Course, that also
meant I had to find the manual mime-decoder and do THAT... you get the
picture. If my mail falls apart any more, that's why...
>ah, okay... why do i have a feeling that sentence just added another check
>for "Reasons for sam's parents not to like me" list anyway? ;) <snugz>
awww ;) *hugs* I think they would. Kinda. I'm not sure though, it might be
like me judging what music other people would like except with people not
music ;) [actually, i do a pretty good job of that with my parents normally.
If I like it, they don't. :)]
>(remember the extrovert computer scientist joke? ;) )... I'd have probably
Nope. :) It's on the tip of my fingers, but...
>introduced myself and asked her a couple questions =P.
well, yeah, but that's not my style... ;)
>meant it.. A philosophy that recognises it might be wrong seems to have
>something inherently right about it, to me... I think most of the problems
Well, yes. Kinda. I go with some of that. But having that bit inherently right
doesn't really enhance its usefulness if all the rest of it was wrong :)
>with humanity are just becaues people always think they're right anyway...
>>ideas quite nice, but some of its ideas i thought were perhaps somewhat
>>dangerous, even as just ways to think about things.
>heh, what, about no golden rule or anything? yes, that was a scary thought
>for me, too.. but it kind of makes sense. you CAN do whatever you want,
>you just get paid for it accordingly.. one of those things hat makes sense
Is that what it said? Hrm, I thought it didn't say the "get paid for it
eventually" bit. Maybe I should reread it.
Actually, though you're right that was the thing I was meaning, that wasn't
example of it I was thinking of. I didn't like some of the things it said
because they seemed to fit in with... damn, I can't go get the book now, I'll
tell you some other time. (well. okay, so technically i COULD get the book,
i'd risk joss seeing me *grins*)
>but you really don't want to believe, i guess... i dunno...
well, yes. but i decided not to believe it whether it made sense or not, i
think. :) The thing about selfishness, anyway. (I did notice that in the book,
but it was a different emphasis...) Actually, I sort of decided that *some* of
the unselfish things i've done [it took a long time to figure this out because
i don't do many ;)] really couldn't have a "reason" behind them because it
me ages to figure out a potential reason, and when i did get it it was pretty
implausible and required high-level reasoning, which isn't really the kind of
thing subconsciouses are supposed to do...
(would this make more sense if i gave an example? i can't think of one right
now, but...)
>shouldn't have to worry much about americanisms, you catch on to most of
>them, being used to net people...
You're right, I do, and you don't, but I just thought it was cool the way that
one caught me out for a while, is all...
>>it involved kantrael, a busy computer lab, and the look on my face... ;)
><gigglesnorts> i want to hear the rest of this, if there is a story...
I thought you were there! Or failing that I'm *sure* I told you already...
*shrugs* :) Oh well, it wasn't a big deal, really. Here's the full extremely
long unabridged version of the tale ;)
Kant and me were on irc in the afternoon (oops, so you couldn't have been
there). I was in CM002. The discussion, for some weird reason, was about
I said something about what Kant'd said that weekend that my knees were worse
than Alisdair's [somebody else we know, but she knows him better than i do],
and she said she was only joking and she didn't really get to see them. then
she said something like "should i come and see now to get a comparison? <eg>".
I assumed she was in ER150 where she normally is, which is half a mile away,
and therefore joking and said yes (well, i maybe managed to say yes in a
amusing manner, you get the idea though).
After I typed that, she didn't say anything for a few seconds, and I was
thinking, why not?... oh... oops... oh no... and then she walked in ;)
She didn't really make me roll up my trouser leg so she could examine my knee,
in full view of all the other people in that room, but i was somewhat scared
for a moment ;)
>>asaicbb, then.
>as soon as i can ___? <thinks> i'm just dense today.. moreso than
be bothered. Hrm, I think you'd have guessed that if you'd been around me more
RL... "can't be bothered" is a common phrase of mine :)
>details.. i guess when there's only 200 years to work with, you have to
>fill out the curriculum somewhere ;) )
Ahem. I did half of an entire a-level course on *60* years of British
history... boring details is NOT the word :) [a-level = about 1/3 of the
average student's lessons etc in the two years 16-18]
>>Wish I'd done anything on the celts, though...
>I don't think we were supposed, to, really, but there was an extra day or
>two, and the teacher thought they were eminently cool, so ;)
*grins*. On a similar topic (well, she's Irish ;) I finally got a Loreena
McKennit (did i get that name right? anyway you know the one ;) album. I like
it. Actually, I spent all of one evening working on chapter 7 of my story
alternating between that CD and aphex twin "richard d james album". The
comparison is, um, pretty stunning :) It's probably/definitely the noisiest
aphex album, since the beats keep changing all over the place, and there's
silly noises and such, and changing between THAT and folk music was cool ;)
[Oh. The last track on that aphex album is called - if I read his writing
correctly - "logon and rock witch". It's a good track, too...]
>ah, okay... you need a bit more screaming, though, usually the object of
>your short sermon should be forced to listen to you whether they wish to
well, I can borrow that guy's megaphone :)
>if time before they walk away quickly allows... ;) (you have a feeling i
>live in a city full of these guys, do you? ;) )
I think they're pretty cool. Brings a moment's amusement to my day, since i
normally can't help laughing. (which would be unkind, but i don't think he
><shrugs> he's kinda cool, although he does tend to follow around the
>Teph-rae-naz clique a bit...
Well, that's okay, apart from the "naz" part. :)
actually, i know you haven't seen that intro, but take it from me, it's pretty
bad. and i got email from some bloke in poland asking if he could make his bbs
"the polish distro bbs for [my] productions". i thought this was pretty weird,
since i was quite obviously crap so why would he want that, but then i looked
at the rest of the message and found his bbs's list of distro/hq groups etc,
and i hadn't heard of ANY of those either :)
[i didn't bother replying, btw. my polish non-internet audience WILL be upset,
that should account for about 0.00000000 people ;) ]
>well, i kind of only vaguely understood in a broad conceptual sense, but
Hrm. Isn't that politician-talk for not understanding it? :) Like "In a broad
conceptual sense I agree with the party position on this, but..." [=="I
disagree with everything they ever said"]
><grins and hides all the stuff she never got done before christmas ;) >
<moans and tries not to think about CuteChat>
>i know. i know the whole story. <sighs> I'd love to keep in touch with
>him, but i dunno if he's going to have email for much of that time, and my
>dad will complain about postage if i start sending any more stuff across
>the pond...
perhaps i might write him some snailmail... i'm not sure... it only costs the
same as within this country to europe so *I* can probably afford it ;) [You
could email stuff to me then i could print it out and send it, thus saving
money? ;)] Hmmm. Then again perhaps I won't get round to it, what do you
;) Either way I'm sure he won't be completely out of contact, beacuse i
think Kant will be in touch with him... [Though, it doesn't cost the same to
send letters to europe if they WEIGH a ton. like 19 sides of a4 would ;) i
wonder how her student grant is stretching... ;)]
>>Maybe. I think in my case it's also because i still don't really, REALLY
>>understand that other people are different from me...
>heh.. it's okay, I'll give you a crash course in that when i see you irl
>;). I hope you haven't forgotten i have this annoying and embarrasing
>tendency of being outgoing, loud, silly, and publically
>affectionate/extremely friendly when i already know someone ;).
*giggles* look, am i supposed to be hoping/looking forward to seeing you, or
trying to avoid it? ;) j/k. it's probably best you're like that anyway, to
compensate for me :)
[Hrm. All the rest of my family have now gone to bed ;) Well, it beats them
pestering me in this room every ten minutes so i have to minimise the
I'm sure they do it on purpose. (seriously, there've been 3 different people
here, 2 of them twice, all searching for my brother's pencilcase... ;)]
>okay, i knew that, really.. it's used here, really, just not much, and i
>have been more dense than usual lately, being sick again =( this seems to
>be the winter of shim-being-sick =(
ack. *snuggles*. life's not fair, is it? i'm hardly ever unwell. (hey, could i
be ill FOR you next time to share the workload? ;)
>hm. .probably wrote it 'cause you wanted to bring it up.. or perhaps you
>brought it up thinking about what you wrote.... either way, makes sense..
hmm. well, i think the first is right, except i didn't know you then remember?
;) i guess just because it's the kind of thing i care about.
>>know. This is probably bad, because they end up all being me. I'm not
>heh.. that's what happens with my stories sometimes, and i HATE that in my
>own work... 's mostly why you haven't seen my longer stories ;)
Awwww, not fair :) you have to send me some... I'm trying hard with the new
characters in this chapter (which i am actually, *gasp*, adding to my
characters.doc file with the brief descriptions and stuff ;) to make them not
just be me again. [some of them are also not incredibly nice, which should be
change ;) there aren't any BAD ones, but.] I'm not sure if it's working or
>>anyway, want to tell me if .doc is okay? I can convert to write, but if
>yes, it's fine.
I would have attached it to this, except I just remembered email isn't working
reliably. maybe i'll wait a few days...
>>did steal it ;) Popular name, or something. (though when *I'm* using it
>>people either say it's silly or sounds female, huh. ;)
>it's a nice name! although, it does sound female. part of why i stole it,
thanks, and *sigh* :) The elfquest character I *think* was male, so there!
perhaps it depends on how you pronounce it or something. (i usually end up
saying "shale", although it's really supposed to be sort of a cross between
that and "shay-el"... i think the latter sounds more female...)
>>start deciding what to do then, now...
><grins> i love not having to worry about that except hypothetically yet ;)
Oh good. :p
><shimmer hands quen a gold star> ;)
>heh.. sounds like my father, though probably for different reasons... his
i can't believe my dad's set his keyrepeat to 1 character per second. Yuck.
(this doesn't have anything to do with the quote, btw... ;)
>having gotten it but won't find out 'til sept. anyway) why don't you just
btw, my BROTHER got accepted into cambridge... kinda ;) actually, they made
an offer, but the exam results he needs to get it aren't trivial.
>my laziness is hereditary, it appears ;).
no, just universal to the species, i think :)
>>well, it means i sometimes talk about stuff that you don't have a clue
>ah.. yes, we have a habit of doing that to each other ;)
we do? i thought it was just me ;)
>yes. and i'm not even mentioning them to anyone, 'cause i'm afraid they'll
>try and force me to hold to them ;)
*grins* so you gave up chocolate then? ;)
[perhaps not. :)]
oh. i should mention that i *am* planning to write you some snailmail, but
being at home i'm horrendously busy (or at least it seems like i am) so don't
hold your breath.
[that reminded me... last night i was kinda cold in bed, so i decided to get
all of mys'elf under the covers so i could get warmer and at the same time see
what it was like running out of air. *grins* well, i'm not sure if it really
worked (oh. it warmed me up. i mean the running out of air part. like, it
be that enough air actually gets in through the fabrics and stuff) because
after about five minutes or something i got to the point of having to breathe
through my mouth and quite fast, but i was also feeling really sleepy, and i
didn't want to fall asleep and suffocate, so i stuck my head out. ;) I figure
if you're about to suffocate you probably wake up, but since i'm not 100% sure
i decided not to risk it :)]
[no, i don't know why i told you that, but never mind. :)]
oh, well. i suppose i ought to follow the lead of the rest of the family...