Alt-Photo-Process Archive by thread
Starting: Thu 02 Jan 1997 - 04:03:60
Ending: Thu 17 Jul 1997 - 21:30:27
Messages: 2439
- T-messages and pratical matters Carlos Gasparinho
- Re: for fanatics of agfa n31p and g0210p Sal
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography rosebud
- RE: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS digest 775 Freddie McCarroll
- Greetings and Query Terry King
- Gallery Show - NYC
- Re: platinum prices?
- Bostick & Sullivan's Ziatype Information George L Smyth
- light table
- Photo-gravure Exhibition Grant Wilson
- Platinum Thanks auer
- RE: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS digest 775 Maxim M. Muir
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography & bromoil Judy Seigel
- PD/PT and toxicity Richard Sullivan
- Re: for fanatics of agfa n31p and g0210p marc bruhat
- Typon Film Terry King
- Re:Minder Judy Seigel
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography & bromoil Judy Seigel
- Re: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS digest 782 George L Smyth
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography & bromoil rosebud
- Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR and application form Risa Horowitz
- Bouncing mail Jack Fulton
- Question about View Camera magazine Karen Molloy
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography & bromoil rosebud
- Masking technique for contact printing, part 2 of 3
- Masking technique for contact printing, part 3 of 3
- Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR and application form Riccardo Cavallari
- Re: Ink jet and alt. photography
- December archive available Steve Avery
- Re: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS www search database Macy
- The "New" Cyanotype - Part 2 SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Masking technique for contact printing, part 1 of 3 Terry King
- Masking technique for contact printing, part 1 of 3 Terry King
- Re: platinum prices? Eric J. Neilsen
- Masking technique for contact printing, part 1 of 3
- Contrast in Pt/Pd Richard Sullivan
- drying cyanotype: LS Judy Seigel
- Aging toners Jonathan Bailey
- drying cyanotype: LS Terry King
- Re: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS www search database George L Smyth
- Re: Masking technique for contact printing
- HNY and applications-apologies JOYCE PECK
- Sudek:Pigment Print ?'s John C. Merillat
- Cyanotype & Gum printing in San Diego? Macy
- The Dmax Blues Richard Sullivan
- Alt Process Exhibit in Sacramento, CA Kerik Kouklis
- Re: Hiccup! Russell Cothren
- doorskin etc. Judy Seigel
- Myths that will not die (was Dmax Blues) Judy Seigel
- Re: Bromoil - masking/Bromoil paper Henk Thijs
- "New" Cyanotype - & Pt/Pd proportions Terry King
- Iron Oxalate Philippe Monnoyer
- Personal announcement Risa Horowitz
- Personal announcement Risa Horowitz
- Re: platinum prices?
- Re: To Sam Peter Marshall
- Fixing of VDB Cor Breukel
- Re: To Sam lewis
- Myths that will not die (was Dmax Blues) Terry King
- (Re)sources in Germany? Tox Gunn
- Heat vs Air drying John Barnier
- Re: To Sam Peter Marshall
- Re: platinum prices? John Rudiak
- Iron III Oxalate Terry King
- drying gum (was drying cyanotype) Judy Seigel
- Heat vs Air drying Terry King
- drying gum and VDB fixing Terry King
- drying gum and VDB fixing Terry King
- Iron (III) Oxalate Philippe Monnoyer
- Ware's new Cyanotype JOHN L. DIXON
- Bromoil Paper Terry King
- What UV lamp available around France Terry King
- Re: ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS digest 788
- Re: Bostick & Sullivan red bradley
- FYI:Mold Pictures (fwd) Cor Breukel
- What UV lamp available around France Philippe Monnoyer
- Songs for cyanotypers. SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Blisters in carbon
- VDB fixing, an answer.../Dmax measurement Cor Breukel
- Bromoil paper
- Songs for cyanotypers. Terry King
- Pt/Pd toning John C. Merillat
- signature red bradley
- We are not the alternative Richard Sullivan
- Making a light bank Richard Sullivan
- Re: Dmax measurement Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Nuclear testing Marianne M. Jones
- bromoil paper Jennifer Jacobberger
- moving to NYNY Judy Seigel
- Re: Alternative vs Classical Judy Seigel
- signature Terry King
- We are not the alternative Terry King
- Bromoil paper Terry King
- Re: Bromoil - masking/Bromoil paper Dennis Carlyle
- Please give generously to the chemistry-impared :) Beakman
- Re: Toning Pt and Pd Tom Hawkins
- New Cyanotype/ toxicity John Barnier
- Re: Alternative vs Classical David Morrish
- Toning pt and pd Richard Sullivan
- Re: Alternative vs Classical
- IRIS question David Mendelsohn
- It is not in the name Rui Gasparinho
- Kallitypes, how many... Rui Gasparinho
- Kallitype research Rui Gasparinho
- Classical Photography Richard Sullivan
- platinotype by any name is a platinotype Gary Auerbach
- IRIS question David Mendelsohn
- UV eye safety Terry King
- Re: Bromoil - masking/Bromoil paper Terry King
- New Cyanotype/ toxicity Terry King
- IRIS question Terry King
- Duck & Cover Marianne M. Jones
- UV eye safety Wm. J. Clark
- Colour bromoil Inks
- Re: alternative/ analogy to health care Gary Auerbach
- Ziatype Images Available George L Smyth
- Liquid Light and Rice Papers Risa Horowitz
- H2O: distilled vs deionized Greg Schmitz
- All-terns-ate Jack Fulton
- Names Terry King
- Re: Thiocarbamide Greg Schmitz
- Spring Meeting of the List Terry King
- a big (carbon) mess Tom Hawkins
- Need Kallitype info Richard Sullivan
- Neo Classic Richard Sullivan
- Sodium Formate Richard Sullivan
- Re: All-ternm-debate Russell Cothren
- Using K instead of Na in Pt Richard Sullivan
- Sort of Satista - LONG message Peter Marshall
- K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O Philippe Monnoyer
- I feel so lonely!!!!...... Carlos Gasparinho
- Re: alternative/ analogy to health care Terry King
- Sort of Satista Carlos Gasparinho
- What is green ? Philippe Monnoyer
- Re:H2O:distilled vs deionized Paul and Judith Simon
- Re: Spring Meeting of the List Cc: Riccardo Cavallari
- RE: C330 Chrome vs black lens John Irvin Buford
- What's in a name? Terry King
- What's in a name? j.r.anderson
- Alternative to Alternative Sal
- The New Cyanotype: dichromates Risa Horowitz
- Re: Dmax, highlights and BFK Risa Horowitz
- Re: Thiocarbamide John Rudiak
- Re: Dmax, highlights and BFK Judy Seigel
- Distilled/De-ionised water Peter Marshall
- Re: I feel so lonelly!!! Carlos Gasparinho
- RE: Sort of Satista Carlos Gasparinho
- Re:H2O:distilled vs deionized Richard Morris
- Re: Name Suggestion Terry King
- Richard's ferric oxalate Richard Sullivan
- Liquid Light and Rice Paper BRIAN MIKESELL
- Richard's Ziatypes Beakman
- Re: Name Suggestion Mike Robinson
- RE: Richard's Ziatypes George L Smyth
- The List is Moving Gordon J. Holtslander
- thanks to Steve Henk Thijs
- To Steve Avery Jack Fulton
- Ziatype and damp emulsion Richard Sullivan
- Conversion of K2ptcl4 to K2ptcl6 Richard Sullivan
- RE: Sort of Satista Carlos Gasparinho
- RE: Sort of Satista Peter Marshall
- The Ghosts of e-mails past, present and yet to come j.r.anderson
- moving the list PLEASE READ Gordon J. Holtslander
- Fred Foster Ferric Kerik Kouklis
- Names Terry King
- We are not the alternative????? Vyle Greyv
- Geveart / Gevaert Henk Thijs
- The Ghosts of e-mails past, present and yet to come Terry King
- Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish Stephen Carl Avery
- Foster Ferric Terry King
- RE: Sort of Satista Peter Marshall
- Re: Bromoil - masking/Bromoil paper Henk Thijs
- kallitype (was satista) Judy Seigel
- kallitype (was Satista) Judy Seigel
- ..Names, names... Cor Breukel
- Gum-Kallitype Help Gasparinho
- Noble Processes, or procedes nobles, or Edele procedes S. Carl King
- Re: Bromoil/silver and carbro/silver S. Carl King
- Re: kallitype (was satista) Luis Nadeau
- K2PtCl4 and K2PtCl6 Richard Sullivan
- kallitype (was Satista) Terry King
- Re: Sandorac/Sandarac Judy Seigel
- Gum Per Volledal
- Re: Sandorac/Sandarac Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Re: Names, names... Flesch Ba'lint
- Linen and Pt Richard Sullivan
- Mapplethorpe Pt's Richard Sullivan
- Kallitypes Gasparinho
- PLEASE READ! (#2) Stephen Carl Avery
- PLEASE READ! (#1) Stephen Carl Avery
- peeling emulsions Jack Fulton
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Re: Fabric Fotos / ?. Austin Henk Thijs
- Re: The "reply" button Terry King
- precoated cyanotype paper Pollmeier Klaus
- Mapplethorpe's Work Stephen R. Harrison
- re:names - well sort of Catherine Rogers
- re:names - well sort of Terry King
- re:names - well sort of Judy Seigel
- Brown Prints Longevity Victor Chalfant
- Re: The "reply" button Jodie Allen
- Re: Names, names... Risa Horowitz
- Re: Names, names... Peter Marshall
- Re: Names, names... Richard Morris
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Pin holes in my litho Joachim Oppenheimer
- Pin holes in my litho Joachim Oppenheimer
- re:names -please read lewis
- Re: precoated cyanotype (aka rosebud???) rosebud
- Re: precoated cyanotype (aka rosebud???) rosebud
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Names, names, names Carlos Gasparinho
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Re: Names, names... Jack Fulton
- Re: Names, names... John Rudiak
- Re: Names, names... Catherine Rogers
- Re: Spring Meeting/Net Alternative Processes Seminar Catherine Rogers
- Re: Spring Meeting/Net Alternative Processes Seminar Tox Gunn
- Re: Names, names... Terry King
- We're not in Kansas anymore Toto... Stephen Carl Avery
- Names, names, names Carlos Gasparinho
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Re: Names, names... Judy Seigel
- Any upcoming exhibits on alt processes in Paris in February? Karen Molloy
- Scala tangent Sal
- Re: Names, names... Sandy King
- Scala tangent Terry King
- Names, names, names Terry King
- Re: Names, names... Peter Marshall
- Making Digital Negatives Stephen Edgar
- Footstool Gallery Now! JOYCE PECK
- noms,noms,noms
- Daguerreotypes Jonathan Bailey
- 19th cent. photographs Jonathan Bailey
- Gum Printers Mid Atlantic, USA
- Re: The "reply" button
- Re- Names Names Names JOYCE PECK
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Jodie Allen
- the art of naming.... Ron Silvers
- Re: Names, names... Russell Young
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Judy Seigel
- Re: Dichromate Dangers (was contrast agent) Judy Seigel
- Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Terry King
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Terry King
- why am I getting messages? Lisa k. Valburg
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Jeffrey D. Mathias
- 19 century prints. Terry King
- Re: Dichromate as a Contrast Agent for Palladium Terry King
- Re: Books TKOL Terry King
- comment marc bruhat
- comment j.r.anderson
- Mail Daemon Henk Thijs
- Mail daemon messages Jonathan Bailey
- Daguerreotype Making Grant Romer
- Where is the list-server? Adam Kimball
- Re:19th cent. photographs Paul and Judith Simon
- Books Sal
- Patience is a virtue... Stephen Carl Avery
- Keepers red bradley
- VC Paper Jonathan Bailey
- Mordancage Jonathan Bailey
- Paris Jonathan Bailey
- Mordancage Jonathan Bailey
- Goodbye and thanks Risa Horowitz
- Which way to the egress? Jim Weekes
- ...New wrinkles on kallitype... Gasparinho
- Bay area show Tom Hawkins
- ???? Judy Seigel
- Thanks for the help Jonathan Bailey
- Re: Making Digital Negatives & Gum v Platinum Terry King
- fabric photos Diana Denardis
- gum control Judy Seigel
- jean-pierre sudre Keith Schreiber
- Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Jeffrey D. Mathias
- gum control Terry King
- Kolb's Photogravure book <was Re: Books> Greg Schmitz
- Re: One digest solution Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- dropping like flys Russell Cothren
- Weird Stuff David Mendelsohn
- Digital Negatives Revisited Kerik Kouklis
- Re: Kolb's Photogravure book David Morrish
- Demo at Smithsonian (fwd) Greg Schmitz
- Re: Carbon tissue question
- Re: Kolb's Photogravure book Luis Nadeau
- New Photo Gallery Gasparinho
- Ron Stark Richard Sullivan
- catechu for toning cyanotypes
- gum artists, request for information
- Charles Fairman/ Betty Hahn Judy Seigel
- "Reply problem"
- digest Pierre Chiha
- Re:19th cent. photographs Jodie Allen
- Demo at Smithsonian (fwd) & List Attendees
- VDB "bleeding" problem Cor Breukel
- Re:19th cent. photographs Terry King
- re: daguerreotypes Catherine Rogers
- Gravure Terry King
- Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Tom Ferguson
- Need enlarging meter recommendation David E. Le Vine
- Re: Unsubsribe or Digest Luis Nadeau
- am i alone Sil Horwitz
- Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Kallitype developers Gasparinho
- Clearing (Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making) Eric J. Neilsen
- RE: am i alone Delusion [Digital Illusion]
- Re: daguerreotypes Wm. J. Clark
- Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Tom Ferguson
- EDTA Sil Horwitz
- Help! with emulsion Frank M. Tate
- Charles E. Fairman Judy Seigel
- Visit to photographic archies, Birmingham, England. Richard Morris
- Visit to photographic archies, Birmingham, England. Richard Morris
- [Fwd: Re: "Reply problem"] Thommic
- [Fwd: Re: "Reply problem"] Thommic
- Re: Masking technique for contact printing Pollmeier Klaus
- Re: Fog test. Was: Re: Making Digital Negatives (safelights for Pt) Terry King
- WHAT??? Michele T. Hoffman
- Re: Masking technique for contact printing Terry King
- Help! with emulsion (fwd) Robert
- Knot a Loner Jack Fulton
- My most important key: DEL Henk Thijs
- sub/unsub details (save them!) Luis Nadeau
- EDTA Richard Sullivan
- NO Archives!!!
- NO Archives!!! (fwd) Robert
- No Digest Grant Wilson
- FW: Problems in PMDF Mailserv V5.1 command processing Delusion [Digital Illusion]
- Where can I sign up? Richard Sullivan
- High pressure gum? Richard Sullivan
- No class (was Re: No Digest) Kerik Kouklis
- really? Beakman
- EDTA Terry King
- [Fwd: Re: No Digest] rosebud
- NO Archives!!! (fwd) Terry King
- Re: Carbon tissue question Jodie Allen
- Spring meeting and Gloy supplies. Terry King
- No Digest/Own Archive ? Henk Thijs
- Has everyone forgotten the WWW archive? Gregory Walker
- Misconception Grant Wilson
- Clearing of iron compounds Gasparinho
- Re: Clearing Pt prints Tom Ferguson
- Workshop in platinum/palladium Gretel Easter
- Misconception giving rise to concern Terry King
- Please, lets put an end to this! Daniel Silva
- 'hake' Keith Schreiber
- 'hake' Keith Schreiber
- sprint reversal Judy Seigel
- tidings of gloy Judy Seigel
- Manual digest: a suggestion Flesch Ba'lint
- tidings of gloy Terry King
- Clearing Richard Sullivan
- unsub PLEASE! Alyssa Dawne Pease
- archives (& UltraStable) Valburg
- Polaroid Pos/Neg film/Zone System Cor Breukel
- Alt-process and contrast Richard Sullivan
- Alt-process and contrast II Richard Sullivan
- Stouffer Step Wedge Alex Nanson
- Alt-process and contrast Terry King
- Stouffer Step Wedge Terry King
- SV: Polaroid Pos/Neg film/Zone System Ole Chr. Magneshaugen
- Re: Names, names... Eric J. Neilsen
- New history of chemistry list Greg Schmitz
- The Photography Show 97 - AIPAD Beakman
- Montreal Alt-photo meeting? Luis Nadeau
- Pictures with crystals Niels Berg Olsen
- Stouffer Wedges Alex Nanson
- Palladio users need not apply(Re: Names, names...) Sal
- Palladio users need not apply JOHN L. DIXON
- Large Negatives Michael Boses
- Re: What will it do? Russell Cothren
- Re: What will it do? Terry King
- Palladio Users Need Not Apply James A. Strain
- Re: What will it do? Peter Bergstrom
- Re: What will it do? John Rudiak
- Re: What will it do? Terry King
- Palladio users need not apply Eric J. Neilsen
- Re: What will it do? Judy Seigel
- Large Neg/ Paper Negatives Alternative
- Large Neg/ Paper Negatives Alternative Terry King
- Dodge & Burn (was What will it do?) SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- pallido....
- Dodge & Burn (was What will it do?) Terry King
- Thank You Large Negative Michael Boses
- building a pinhole camera
- aesthetics red bradley
- Palladio - one more thing Kerik Kouklis
- blue on blue Judy Seigel
- Photography on wood MEC00001
- blue on blue Terry King
- RE: building a pinhole camera James L. Agee
- ferric oxalate Brian D. Miller
- Riston, Tony Newby
- Handcoated vs Palladio Sal Mancini
- Handcoated vs machine made Richard Sullivan
- pinhole camera film holders Joachim Oppenheimer
- some interesting books Judy Seigel
- RE: pinhole camera film holders Mac Cosgrove-Davies
- WWW archives for January are now available. Gregory Walker
- Handcoated vs Machine made Richard Sullivan
- Large Film Holders
- Tween 20 Richard Sullivan
- Handcoated vs machine made Richard Sullivan
- Tween 20 Terry King
- "Old" vs "New" cyanotype Judy Seigel
- Paper,e.g.,Cranes parchmont/ment Judy Seigel
- Paper,e.g.,Cranes parchmont/ment Terry King
- Paper,e.g.,Cranes parchmont/ment Richard Sullivan
- How to Unsubscribe ? Stephen Edgar
- Re: Handcoated vs Palladio (fwd) Eric J. Neilsen
- Carbon Pigment Density Gordon Chapple
- Carbon Pigment Density Richard Sullivan
- Cranes paper Richard Sullivan
- Cranes paper Terry King
- Re: Apples vs Oranges Richard Sullivan
- Vision and printmaking Richard Sullivan
- apples and oranges? Jonathan Bailey
- building a pinhole
- Fini - Apples and Oranges Richard Sullivan
- Re: FINI Jonathan Bailey
- New Pt/Pd Web Site Gordon Smith
- Spring Meeting Terry King
- Polaroid MP-3 Hal Leininger
- Teewn 20 vs. Ilford Ilfotol Gasparinho
- e mail error Terry King
- Web page revision Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- applause for Klaus Pollmeier's Carbon Workshop Ron Silvers
- Tween 20 vs. Ilford Ilfotol Gasparinho
- Ferric ammonium citrate Richard Sullivan
- Tween 20 vs. Ilford Ilfotol Richard Sullivan
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Richard Sullivan
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Judy Seigel
- Van Dyke questions Bruce McCaughey
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- New Kentmere Bromoil Papers Terry King
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- New Kentmere Bromoil Papers Henk Thijs
- kallitypie fixer marc bruhat
- Spring Meeting Terry King
- Zipped Archives are available for downloading. Gregory Walker
- Van Dyke questions Terry King
- Pigment for gum Per Volledal
- Tween 20 vs. Ilford Ilfotol and kallitype formulas Gasparinho
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Richard Sullivan
- Fiber grain, solarization, and coating Richard Sullivan
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Judy Seigel
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Judy Seigel
- E-mail Virus
- Pigment for gum Terry King
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- Re: PHOTOHST Digest - 18 Feb 1997 to 19 Feb 1997 (fwd) Greg Schmitz
- Workshops in alt processes Bill Thomas
- Re: Zipped Archives are available for downloading. Ronald Connelly
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Richard Sullivan
- SV: New Kentmere Bromoil Papers Ole Chr. Magneshaugen
- Re: Zipped Archives are available for downloading. Judy Seigel
- Re: Tween 20, mottling and grain Terry King
- SV: New Kentmere Bromoil Papers Terry King
- ennuyeux... marc bruhat
- selectol. marc bruhat
- graphs red bradley
- A Modest Request Judy Seigel
- Re:Graphs Paul and Judith Simon
- Enlarged Neg. Service William Laven
- new technique for smoother prints Beakman
- smoother prints addendum Beakman
- new technique for smoother prints Richard Sullivan
- HOWTO unsubscribe Greg Schmitz
- HOWTO unsubscribe Terry King
- A Modest Request Terry King
- inquiry, inquiry, and then tentative judgment Ron Silvers
- Bromoil workshops
- inquiry, inquiry, and then tentative judgment Terry King
- more graphs red bradley
- Back on list Mike Robinson
- Personal variables Richard Sullivan
- Personal variables Terry King
- Spring Meeting Terry King
- In Defense of Terry Michael J. Coslo
- Contrasty Cyanotypes Ronald Connelly
- Contrasty Cyanotypes Terry King
- process cameras Gary Auerbach
- Metol marc bruhat
- buffing paper Beakman
- Re: Cyanotype exposure time in winter sunlight Karen Molloy
- In defense of the list Gary Auerbach
- In defence of Terry and Judy and... Gasparinho
- Transparentizer Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- Transparentizer Richard Sullivan
- Transparentizer Henk Thijs
- uranium paper christian nze
- New address: Chicago Albumen Works Luis Nadeau
- Re : The Great Consternation Jack Fulton
- UV transparency (was Re: Transparentizer) Sil Horwitz
- Re : The Great Consternation Michael J. Coslo
- Gelatin/Glue instead of Gum? Dimitris
- Origin of Insults Judy Seigel
- Re : The Great Consternation Bill Agee
- Gelatin/Glue instead of Gum? Terry King
- Origin of Insults Terry King
- Re:albumen dan donovan
- Cyanotypes Terry King
- East Coast Shows j.r.anderson
- Transparentiser j.r.anderson
- Re: UV transparency (was Re: Transparentizer) (fwd) Cor Breukel
- Diet Coke Terry King
- Re: UV transparency Pollmeier Klaus
- Re: East Coast (NYC) Shows Karen Molloy
- Re: Cyanotypes using the sun as a light source Karen Molloy
- Using mylar as negative material (was UV transparency) Karen Molloy
- Re: East Coast (NYC) Shows Jonathan Bailey
- The Archives Michael J. Coslo
- Re:albumen Barbara N. Brown
- UV Transparency Richard Sullivan
- Re: UV transparency Pollmeier Klaus
- Re: UV transparency Terry King
- Ron Silver's Book, etc. Wm. J. Clark
- Theory on this list Pollmeier Klaus
- Re: UV transparency
- Re: UV transparency Terry King
- Diet Coke and kallitypes Gasparinho
- Re:albumen John Rudiak
- Diet Coke and kallitypes Richard Sullivan
- Tanning Bed Available Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- Re:albumen Luis Nadeau
- Re: UV transparency (was Re: Transparentizer) (fwd) Judy Seigel
- Re: UV transparency Judy Seigel
- A Haptic Theory of Photographic Processes Ron Silvers
- Re: UV transparency/attempt to explain a spectrophotometer (fwd) Cor Breukel
- Using a spectrophotometer for testing of UV - sensitivity Birger Aune
- A Haptic Theory of Photographic Processes Terry King
- Columnated? or collimated light SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- meeting in Bath Terry King
- Re: UV transparency/attempt to explain a spectrophotometer (fwd) Richard Sullivan
- Hopefully the last D.O.T. post! Michael J. Coslo
- Spring Meeting Who is Coming & Hotels Terry King
- Photographic images on clay Brian Hankins
- Hopefully the last D.O.T. post! Terry King
- 1998 meeting Gasparinho
- Re: UV transparency Tom Ferguson
- facilities in san francisco jemfunky@IMAP1.ASU.EDU
- Re: UV transparency Michael J. Coslo
- How to create a local copy of the Archives. Gregory Walker
- Re: UV transparency Alex Nanson
- Re:Help with printing frame glass j.r.anderson
- Beinfang j.r.anderson
- Re:Help with printing frame glass Terry King
- Re: glass rod/large prints William Laven
- Re: Coating Rods Sal Mancini
- Alternative Symposium: Reserve your Place Terry King
- cyanotype sightings Catherine Rogers
- Toning workshop Jonathan Bailey
- Laser/Xerox Transfer to Canvas
- What's going on??? David Morrish
- Re: Judy come back! Janet Neuhauser
- Two questions Gasparinho
- A good argument Gasparinho
- Re: Judy come back! Gasparinho
- Re: Digital negs and internegs Bryan Lyles
- Oddball Parts Michael Coslo
- Paper negatives Michael Coslo
- Paper negatives Terry King
- Re: ImagOn and IntaglioType F. Lovelett
- uppity women Judy Seigel
- Janet's message James Luciana
- Gum Terry King
- Janet's message Ron Silvers
- Janet's message Terry King
- The return of Judy, advice to Janet, etc. SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Digital methods for alternative photographic processes, Part 1 of 3
- Digital methods for alternative photographic processes, Part 2 of 3
- Digital methods for alternative photographic processes, Part 3 of 3
- Uppity portuguese Gasparinho
- The uppity portuguese strikes again!!!! Gasparinho
- Re: Digital methods for alternative photographic processes Beakman
- judy come back Janet Neuhauser
- 4x5 camera recomendations please
- Re: Paper Negatives, Alps printer Larry Bullis
- Paper negatives -Reply Birger Aune
- réseau marc bruhat
- bonjour! marc bruhat
- Crown and Speeg Graphic SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Re: TMax100 Interpositives? Jodie Allen
- Re: Crown and Speed Graphic Larry Bullis
- Digital negs - light at the end of the Stouffer Tablet j.r.anderson
- Re: Crown and Speed Graphic George L Smyth
- Re: Typon film marc bruhat
- Re: Typon film marc bruhat
- Inkjet printers Kevin Crombie
- RE: Crown and Speed Graphic Mac Cosgrove-Davies
- RE: Typon film Ole Christian Magneshaugen
- RE: Typon film Ole Christian Magneshaugen
- fading of ink jet colors Robert Fichter
- francophonouille marc bruhat
- Réseau en Français gérard
- Inkjet printers Terry King
- Re: Paper Negatives, Alps printer john lowen
- Re: Typon film Pollmeier Klaus
- Starch Sizing Jason Revell
- Dan Burkholder's book j.r.anderson
- paper Robert Fichter
- Basenwork coated litho paper
- Basingwerk
- Dan Burkholder's book DEREK WATKINS
- Re: Starch sizing Gasparinho
- ISO 10977 Thomas Bregante
- photo labs in France Janet Neuhauser
- Re: TMax100 Interpositives?
- Re: TMax100 Interpositives? Tom Ferguson
- Re: TMax100 Interpositives? Karl-Heinz Klang
- Re: TMax100 Interpositives? Robert Hudyma
- Re: Gravolaser David C. Clark
- Woodburytypes Terry King
- Re: new printers lewis
- Re: Cyanotype desaturation Karen Molloy
- re:Alt-processors in Ireland? Terry King
- Re: Warmer tones Eric J. Neilsen
- Re: Warmer tones Richard Sullivan
- Re: Ethel Ether Judy Seigel
- Re: Ethel Ether john lowen
- Re: Warmer tones Gasparinho
- Re: Ethel Ether Doug Harding
- Re: Ethel Ether Judy Seigel
- Re: Ethel Ether john lowen
- Photographer's Forum Feb 97
- Vacumb & Contact Frames Tom Ferguson
- Re: Warmer tones Eric J. Neilsen
- Palladium BWK, warmer tones Beakman
- Re: Warmer tones
- Re: Oxalate fumes Richard Sullivan
- Re: Warmer tones Richard Sullivan
- Re: Ethyl Ether David C. Clark
- warmer Jack Fulton
- warmer Beakman
- Re: Ethyl Ether Richard Sullivan
- Re: Heating Palladium Developer Stephen P Salniker
- Keeping Things Hot (It's a Crock) E. Carroll Hale II
- Re: Keeping Things Hot
- Re: Keeping Things Hot James Luciana
- Re: Keeping Things Hot Eric J. Neilsen
- Re: Keeping Things Hot Luis Nadeau
- Keeping things hot Jonathan Bailey
- Re: Keeping Things Hot Peter Marshall
- cyanotype sighting Keith Schreiber
- cyanotype sighting Richard Sullivan
- Terms for Off-Photographic Quality Work
- Re: Keeping Things Hot
- Terms for Off-Photographic Quality Work Terry King
- densitometry
- Man Ray's patent Luis Nadeau
- Fwd: densitometry
- densitometry Terry King
- High UV Quartz Color Temp?
- Had to say it! Ginger Sheridan
- Re: Sigh Annotype sighting Richard Sullivan
- Re: Sigh Annotype sighting Larry Bullis
- A call for papers Richard Sullivan
- Photography Educators Website upton/jones
- My Pt/Pd Web Page William Laven
- Tinotypes Billie S. Mercer
- Photo Chem. suppliers in LA?
- Iron developers and Amidol and pyrogallol Terry King
- Iron developers and Amidol and pyrogallol Terry King
- Re: Sigh Annotype sighting, and sign-o-typy Catherine Rogers
- Alt-photo in Grad School Ronald Connelly
- Re: Sigh Annotype sighting, and sign-o-typy Larry Bullis
- Re: Sigh Annotype sighting, and sign-o-typy Larry Bullis
- Starting with Cyanotype Dwight Shackelford
- [Fwd: Starting with Cyanotype] Dwight Shackelford
- Starting with Cyanotype Terry King
- UV Lighting Dwight Shackelford
- New Epson printer
- Bath and Rijksuniversiteit Terry King
- subscribe Sal Mancini
- No Gelatine ?
- POP Prints JRoseborough
- re:why not gelatin Jennifer Kolar
- Re: why not gelatin
- Re: why not gelatin Jennifer Kolar
- Gum products (was:: why not gelatin) Sil Horwitz
- re:Re: Fuji and gelatin Jennifer Kolar
- Re: why not gelatin Barbara N. Brown
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin) George Mackie
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin) Art Chakalis
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin)
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin) Sil Horwitz
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin)
- re:why not gelatin Luis Nadeau
- Re: Gum products (was:: why not gelatin) Michael J. Coslo
- GELATIN-KOSHER? E. Carroll Hale II
- Re: Computer File Archival (was Gum products (why not gelatine))
- Re: Jeffrey D. Mathiaf. Empty your mail box!! Gordon J. Holtslander
- Deja Vu Ginger Sheridan
- Re: why not gelatin John Rudiak
- re:Re: why not gelatin
- re:Color slides vs negs
- Re: Color slides vs negs David C. Clark
- Re: Color slides vs negs Judy Seigel
- Re: Color slides vs negs Darryl Baird
- Hardener substitutions Jodie Allen
- Re: Color slides vs negs Dwight Shackelford
- Re: Color slides vs negs Valburg
- Re: Color slides vs negs David C. Clark
- Re: Color slides vs negs
- Re: Color slides vs negs
- re:Color slides vs negs Larry Bullis
- Re: Color slides vs negs David C. Clark
- Re: Color slides vs negs David C. Clark
- Re: Color slides vs negs
- re:Color slides vs negs
- Re: Color slides vs negs David C. Clark
- re:Color slides vs negs Valburg
- Calibration, Alt Proc and My Apology
- re:Re: Color slides vs negs
- re:Color slides vs negs Larry Bullis
- "calibrating" color Judy Seigel
- Bostick & Sullivan Web site is on-line Richard Sullivan
- Las Vegas colour lab? Thaddeus Holownia
- Photo images on glass? Greg Malone
- Transparency enlarging Greg Malone
- Photo images on glass? Galina Manikova
- Eseco densitometer William Laven
- Poitevin 'Printing without Salts of Silver' Terry King
- unsubscribe Richard Glenner
- Re: Poitevin 'Printing without Salts of Silver' Luis Nadeau
- French books Was: Re: Poitevin 'Printing without Salts of Silver' Luis Nadeau
- Iron developers Terry King
- Re: French books Martin Becka
- Re: French books Luis Nadeau
- Re: French books Martin Becka
- Re: French books Was: Re: Poitevin 'Printing without Salts of Silver' Pascal MIELE
- Calumet Catalog new Cyanotype??
- Need source for Bellows
- APIS 1997, Now Full & Revised Programme, Terry King
- Need source for Bellows Terry King
- Anyone have/use a Finney 4x5 pinhole camera?
- Need source for Bellows (fwd) Robert
- bellows wes carson
- pigment prints again Alexis
- Naarden fotofestival Gary Auerbach
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Marc Bruhat
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Marc Bruhat
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Cor Breukel
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Terry King
- Unsubscribe! Clicio Barroso
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Luis Nadeau
- Re: commercial ou alternatif Richard Sullivan
- Re: commercial ou alternatif MICHAEL F JACOBSON
- re:Re: commercial ou alternatif
- APIS 1997, Now Full & Revised Programme, Terry King
- An alt-Photo organization? Richard Sullivan
- Dick Sullivan - what a guy Ginger Sheridan
- Toyo parts need Russell Cothren
- San Francisco Alt Process Shows?
- San Francisco Alt Process Alexis
- San Francisco Alt Process Alexis
- San Francisco Alt Process Dennis
- (no subject) john lowen
- Drtikol Pigment Prints
- Re: (fwd) Robert
- (no subject) Eric J. Neilsen
- Bath Symposium
- Re: (fwd) john lowen
- Re: alternative photography in Russia Sandy King
- Anyone familiar with Susan Laney's work?
- Re: pigment prints and Dr. Green Richard Sullivan
- Autotype carbon tissue for carbon prints and hand gravure Terry King
- Subscribe
- Bromoil Paper Dennis
- bromoil paper Henk Thijs
- Bromoil Paper Terry King
- Direct Carbon Print (fwd) Cor Breukel
- Paper duty David C. Clark
- bromoil paper Terry King
- Re: pigment prints again (tangent) Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- New Bromoil Paper Dennis
- Ferric Chloride?!
- Bromoil Circle of Great Britain Dennis
- Re: DCG Print
- Children's Hospitals Book Drive Pollmeier Klaus
- Interfaced Carbon Image was DCG
- re:Re: pigment prints again
- undelivered message Richard Morris
- New Chrysotype Richard Sullivan
- Epson stylus article Judy Seigel
- Epson Printer Richard Sullivan
- style (was stylus) Judy Seigel
- The war starts Richard Sullivan
- Gender & stylus Gasparinho
- APIS note for attendants only. Terry King
- Ferric Oxalate Jeffrey D. Mathias
- [Fwd: Re: pigment prints again] Gayster Alain
- Cutting glass underwater redux Darryl Baird
- Cutting Glass w/Scissors-redux Darryl Baird
- Ferric oxalate. Richard Sullivan
- Ferric oxalate (minor correction) Richard Sullivan
- Style Dennis
- Style Dennis
- Style Dennis
- style -gender James Luciana
- uppity woman, continued Judy Seigel
- message about dichromates Judy Seigel
- Apologies Michael Coslo
- Re: Forward: Re: pigment prints again (tangent) Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- the risk of dichromates Judy Seigel
- BWK (pt/pd) gets improved. Beakman
- Style and Dennis B. Schlueter
- Style and Dennis B. Schlueter
- Unsubscribing Jim Weekes
- re:Re: Style and Dennis
- My Family Tree Judy Seigel
- Re:Style and Dennis Alexis
- Help with "NOMAIL" Art Chakalis
- Style Dennis
- style/permanence Chris Fox
- Re: ..../permanence Cor Breukel
- Thanks! Ginger Sheridan
- Re: ..../permanence Ginger Sheridan
- Cyanohighlights and brown bottles Ronald Connelly
- style? Judy Seigel
- Papers to try for Van Dyke process? Korfhage, Willard
- Kwik Print Materials
- Re: Style and Dennis AND NOW PAUL Alexis
- Re: Re:Style and Dennis AND PAUL AGAIN!! Alexis
- Papers to try for Van Dyke process? Francesco Curcio
- Style Terry King
- de Toqueville? Judy Seigel
- Papers to try for Van Dyke process? Terry King
- style Garry Lewis
- style language gender etc... Gordon J. Holtslander
- style language gender etc... Gordon J. Holtslander
- Gum Print and Color Separation
- comic relief Garry Lewis
- Gender & ther list??
- Ferric Oxalate Ron Silvers
- Luminosity Dwight Shackelford
- Platinum and Palladium Patricia K. Germani
- Mini FAQ/archives Gordon J. Holtslander
- graphics program for Mac Judy Seigel
- "alt-photo-mailing list" Nicole Churchill
- Gum Print and Color Separation Luis Nadeau
- Paper for Albumen Printing Jonathan R. Richardson
- Blowing one's own horn SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- permanence Alexis
- luminosity joseph
- My Gum Exhibition Tim Young
- RE: Luminosity Philippe Moroux
- Disposal of Ammonium Dichromate Gordon Chapple
- Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity Luis Nadeau
- RE: permanence joseph
- RE: New Epson printer Philippe Moroux
- RE: New Epson printer Luis Nadeau
- RE: New Epson printer Peter Marshall
- Bath: Alternative Processes International Symposium Peter Marshall
- Bath Meeting Henry Rattle
- Re: simple graphics app jim justen
- RE: luminosity joseph
- RE: Luminosity joseph
- RE: Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity joseph
- APIS & VISIT TO LACOCK Richard Morris
- APIS PACK + Electronic Equipment Terry King
- Mouldy hypo Terry King
- It is easy to make carbon prints.NB the PS Terry King
- Luminosity Henk Thijs
- RE: New Epson printer Philippe Moroux
- RE: New Epson printer Philippe Moroux
- RE: Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity Luis Nadeau
- Re: Photoceramics
- "gold toned" gelatin silver print John Merillat
- postings to the list Ron Silvers
- RE: "gold toned" gelatin silver print John Merillat
- RE: "gold toned" gelatin silver print Luis Nadeau
- Bouncing mail Peter Marshall
- Re: Gum Print and Color Separation (fwd) Robert
- Re: permanence-RIT
- Re: permanence-RIT
- unsub Finkel Doron
- unsubscribe Juan =?UNKNOWN?Q?Jos=E9?= Rodriguez Rodriguez
- Luminosity and ease of making carbon prints. Galina Manikova
- free discussion Galina Manikova
- Hand coating Dennis
- arrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! James Luciana
- Subscribe Darlene Love
- unsubscribe
- New Bromoil Paper Dennis
- New Bromoil Paper & bromoils at APIS Terry King
- UK BL light tubes. Jason Revell
- UK BL light tubes. Terry King
- Gesso sizing
- Re: Photoceramics Luis Nadeau
- salicylic acid Judy Seigel
- New Bromoil Paper Henk Thijs
- dye x-fer & hello Satre Stuelke
- salicylic acid Richard Sullivan
- apis and bromoil Riccardo Cavallari
- gesso sizing Riccardo Cavallari
- Found it! (salicylic acid) Judy Seigel
- Bath Symposium Pics on the web Richard Sullivan
- Gum consistency and preservatives. Terry King
- I want to unsubscribe this list Panos Katergiathis
- I want to unsubscribe this list joseph
- I want to unsubscribe this list joseph
- (no subject) Richard Knoppow
- color ref? and Technicolor Satre Stuelke
- color ref? and Technicolor Richard Sullivan
- New Bromoil Paper Terry King
- Re: Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity MEC00001
- Re: Photoceramics Was: RE: Luminosity Richard Sullivan
- Found it! (salicylic acid) (fwd) Robert
- Photowork magazine Per Volledal
- Dye transfer vs. carbro Was: Re: Luis Nadeau
- gesso sizing Terry King
- dye transfer back? color corp Satre Stuelke
- New carbon transfer process Luis Nadeau
- 4 color carbon gérard
- new exhibit of pinhole photos Pinhole Visions
- Photowork magazine!?!?!? EDUARDO BENAVIDEZ
- Photowork magazine Beakman
- APIS at Bath Art Chakalis
- gum and cyanotype examples Richard Sullivan
- gum and cyanotype examples rdalrymple
- APIS at Bath Richard Sullivan
- mounting (?) alternative process prints rdalrymple
- Tanning developer for dye transfer Mogens S. Koch
- Re:Slow Gum Paul Simon
- Re:Slow Gum Judy Seigel
- Fresson Conjecture & Testing Art Chakalis
- Fresson Conjecture & Testing (fwd) Art Chakalis
- Re: skipping the archive but find only other sites Karen Molloy
- Gelatin Web site Wayde Allen
- Do you know what this is? Wayde Allen
- Images on Aluminum Wayde Allen
- Re: Gum consistency Richard Sullivan
- re: skipping the archive
- Re: Gum consistency and preservatives. (fwd) Art Chakalis
- Re: Symposium comments Art Chakalis
- re: skipping the archive Karen Molloy
- Recipes please! Richard Sullivan
- Ziatype article in PT Richard Sullivan
- Re: Ziatype article part II Richard Sullivan
- Apparent reason (was Symposium comments Judy Seigel
- re: error about gum Carl Weese
- John Caines Pinhole Program rick lee
- re: error about gum Judy Seigel
- Apis Bath Martin Becka
- Lisbon Eugene Robkin
- Epson printers Ken Carney
- Images on Aluminum Valburg
- Fresson paper - scans of the coating pattern Art Chakalis
- Apis Bath Terry King
- APIS Gasparinho
- The Cyanotype on somethig other than paper.. Bryan Monroe
- The Cyanotype on somethig other than paper.. Terry King
- A Dumb Gum Question? Terry King
- Calotype Dan Estabrook
- Photo Warehouse Auerbach
- Photo Warehouse Auerbach
- Re PhotoWarehouse Alfonso de Castro
- Re PhotoWarehouse Alfonso de Castro
- Some questions about Albumen printing.. Cor Breukel
- Some questions about Albumen printing.. Cor Breukel
- Chasing Fresson rainbows
- Chasing Fresson rainbows
- using polaroid type 55 film Chris Fox
- using polaroid type 55 film Chris Fox
- Pt/Pd prints from Kodak Digital cameras
- Pt/Pd prints from Kodak Digital cameras
- Photo Warehouse Robert Newcomb
- Photo Warehouse Robert Newcomb
- albumen printing Jonathan Bailey
- albumen printing Jonathan Bailey
- Re: Powdered Albumen Jason Revell
- Re: Powdered Albumen Jason Revell
- Photo-etching on stone Terry King
- Photo-etching on stone Terry King
- Type 55 John Barnier
- Type 55 John Barnier
- Re: Powdered Albumen DAVID C. CLARK
- Re: Powdered Albumen DAVID C. CLARK
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't! Thompson, Harriet
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't! Thompson, Harriet
- subscribing to Prints-L Luis Nadeau
- subscribing to Prints-L Luis Nadeau
- Re: Powdered Albumen George L Smyth
- Re: Powdered Albumen George L Smyth
- Toning Polaroid Prints SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Toning Polaroid Prints SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't!
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't!
- re: powdered albumen munson
- re: powdered albumen munson
- lightning & your modem Judy Seigel
- lightning & your modem Judy Seigel
- re: powdered albumen Terry King
- re: powdered albumen Terry King
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't! Terry King
- Re: (was Symposium comments - not it wasn't! Terry King
- Re: A Dumb Gum/dichromates Jonathan Bailey
- Re: A Dumb Gum/dichromates Jonathan Bailey
- Re: A Dumb Gum/dichromates Terry King
- Re: A Dumb Gum/dichromates Terry King
- Van Dyke Problems Billie S. Mercer
- Van Dyke Problems Billie S. Mercer
- Re: Address Eric J. Neilsen
- Re: Address Eric J. Neilsen
- Two alt-photo news items: Anna Atkins, Peter Fredrick Peter Marshall
- Two alt-photo news items: Anna Atkins, Peter Fredrick Peter Marshall
- Peter Fredrick Retrospective Terry King
- Peter Fredrick Retrospective Terry King
- Fresson Print in Kohler Ad
- Fresson Print in Kohler Ad
- Re: Service Message John Lowen
- Re: Service Message John Lowen
- Re: Egg custard DAVID C. CLARK
- Re: Egg custard DAVID C. CLARK
- emulsion release of a B&W print Jacques Augustowski
- emulsion release of a B&W print Jacques Augustowski
- Agfa Viradon Toner thaddeus holownia
- Agfa Viradon Toner thaddeus holownia
- Re: Service Message Gordon J. Holtslander
- Re: Service Message Gordon J. Holtslander
- Dear Hearts Judy Seigel
- Dear Hearts Judy Seigel
- Dear Hearts Terry King
- Dear Hearts Terry King
- Dumb Gum Question - Some Data SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Dumb Gum Question - Some Data SCHRAMMR@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
- Washing alt-photo prints Richard Sullivan
- Washing alt-photo prints Richard Sullivan
- selenium Jonathan Bailey
- selenium Jonathan Bailey
- selenium Richard Sullivan
- selenium Richard Sullivan
- selenium Richard Sullivan
- selenium Richard Sullivan
- Re:selenium Richard Sullivan
- Re:selenium Richard Sullivan
- Paper sources George L Smyth
- Paper sources George L Smyth
- My Private E-Mail Judy Seigel
- My Private E-Mail Judy Seigel
- Bargains on Brovira Judy Seigel
- Bargains on Brovira Judy Seigel
- My Private E-Mail Terry King
- My Private E-Mail Terry King
- enough red bradley
- enough red bradley
- Washing/clearing Sal Mancini
- Washing/clearing Sal Mancini
- Re: Dear Hearts II Richard Sullivan
- Re: Dear Hearts II Richard Sullivan
- Re: Dear Hearts II Terry King
- Re: Dear Hearts II Terry King
- Judy Richard Sullivan
- Judy Richard Sullivan
- About Judy and all that
- About Judy and all that
- judy . . . judy . . . judy red bradley
- judy . . . judy . . . judy red bradley
- Dear Hearts/Judy/Terry Gordon J. Holtslander
- Dear Hearts/Judy/Terry Gordon J. Holtslander
- lowering my expectations
- lowering my expectations
- Dear Hearts/Judy/Terry Terry King
- About Judy and all that Terry King
- Selenium/VDB John Barnier
- sized paper? rdalrymple
- Contrast in alt photo Kerik Kouklis
- Starting with Gum Manuel Galán
- enough! Alexis
- Selenium toners Richard Sullivan
- Re: Bovine Albumen printing.. Dan Estabrook
- Terry and Judy Debate Stephen R. Harrison
- re: selenium toning Philippe Monnoyer
- Enough is already enough! S. Carl King
- Re:Printing Out Paper? ALYSON BELCHER
- Bovine Albumen printing.. (fwd) Cor Breukel
- Re[2]: Printing Out Paper? Chris Fox
- selenium Jonathan Bailey
- Re: POP Paper Jonathan Bailey
- Re: Bovine Albumen printing Thompson, Harriet
- enough Garry Lewis
- enough is enough Alexis
- typon multicontrast film jacques verschuren
- STILL ENOUGH red bradley
- enough is enough Terry King
- sized paper? Terry King
- My messages Gasparinho
- Starting with Gum Terry King
- The List Sindrome II Gasparinho
- Bovine Albumen printing.. (fwd) Terry King
- The List Sindrome Gasparinho
- What can I say? George L Smyth
- Monthly reminder Gordon J. Holtslander
- What can I say? Alexis
- lowering my expectations Terry King
- The List Sindrome II Terry King
- Convert ALT-PHOTO to a moderated list!!! Joe Shields
- To Karen Molloy Jonathan Bailey
- New with POP
- Gum research Richard Sullivan
- my last words Alexis
- Gum research Robert Newcomb
- An apology and a hope. Terry King
- re : R. Sullivan's 30 Jun post Jack Fulton
- Anthotype Dan Estabrook
- Anthotype Terry King
- London prices Billie S. Mercer
- mail reader Ken Carney
- Re: Convert to a moderated list not! Richard Sullivan
- Print prices Was: Re: London prices Luis Nadeau
- No.Not Fresson !
- Re: Convert to a moderated list not! Peter Marshall
- Echague and Carbondir Sandy King
- Re: Convert to a moderated list not! Richard Sullivan
- Echague and Carbondir Richard Sullivan
- Other Direct Carbon processes Luis Nadeau
- Fressons prints gérard
- Re: POP Paper/Albumen paper Doug Harding
- A Market for Direct Carbon
- Just born Luis Nadeau
- Re: POP Paper/Albumen paper Luis Nadeau
- Self-promotion Patrick & Lynn Hilferty
- The Gum Project Richard Sullivan
- The Gum Project II Richard Sullivan
- Re: POP Paper/Albumen paper John Rudiak
- unsubscribe famaro
- RE: Anthotypes
- believe it or not Garry Lewis
- IRIS Marc Bruhat
- Re: IRIS inks Charles Berger
- Re: POP Paper/Albumen paper Rae Adams
- Selenium and colloidal silver Richard Sullivan
- Argon light ? Kerik Kouklis
- Direct Carbon Market
- RE: Anthotypes Macy Garcia
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers munson
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers Cor Breukel
- San Diego show in Jan. 1997 - Barnes DAVID C. CLARK
- Alt Old Book in French Philippe Monnoyer
- Richard Barnes Kerik Kouklis
- The Gum Project III Richard Sullivan
- Sizing paper Gasparinho
- Paper Question Macy Garcia
- Sizing paper Richard Sullivan
- Re: Fresson Paper Manufacture Art Chakalis
- IRIS BIS ( not more stable than Anubis...) Marc Bruhat
- bullshit ? Marc Bruhat
- bullshit Marc Bruhat
- Re: Fresson Paper Manufacture Richard Sullivan
- Re: Spin coating Richard Sullivan
- Re: Fresson Paper Manufacture Art Chakalis
- Sizing for gum Terry King
- Abney Richard Morris
- daguerreotype silver plating Jonathan Bailey
- New Pt/Pd by B&S? Kerik Kouklis
- Where to get sizing supplies Bryan Monroe
- Twinrocker paper/inkjet John Barnier
- Re: Bovine Albumen printing update.. Dan Estabrook
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers Dan Estabrook
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers John Rudiak
- Re: Lightfast Inkjet Ink (was bullshit)
- Re: Photogardening. Terry King
- Re: Lightfast Inkjet Ink (was bullshit) John Lowen
- Twinrocker/inkjet paper John Barnier
- Re: Nit picking, gelatine and dark yellow. Peter Marshall
- bovine albumen Garry Lewis
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers munson
- The Gum Project . . . Art Chakalis
- Re: combining inkjet printout & alt process Karen Molloy
- Circulating prints? Korfhage, Willard
- Help
- Help
- workshops LAURIE B. DEVINE
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers FB
- Re: POP/Albumen Papers Wayde Allen
- gloy and gum Karl P. Koenig
- APIS: PHOTOTechniques Karl P. Koenig
- gloy and gum Karl P. Koenig
Last message date: Thu 17 Jul 1997 - 21:30:27
Archived on: Mon Sep 01 1997 - 19:29:35
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.