> I know that this is probably a very nieve question, but I'm a newbie
> to alternative processes (only done polaroid work).
> I'm considering getting into platinum printing and have heard that it
> is expensive, but never any estimate (per say 8x10 or ml or whatever)
> of what it might cost. Could someone suggest what it might cost per
> whatever unit (I read in the archives that 1.2 to 2 ml is needed for a
> 8x10) so perhaps cost per ml would be better here. I intend to do my own
> coating for asthetic reasons and am not opposed to mixing from
> individual components although I would prefer that the platinum itself
> already be in a liquid/ solution form.
> Who are the best (ie cheapest) suppliers of the chemistry?
> thank you in advance
> Mike Thebo
> just another poor photo student...
It is a little difficult to state a per milliliter price for the
sensitizer for two reasons. The first is the price of the components
depends on how much you are able to buy at one time. For example the
platinum salt from B&S (my recommendation as a supplier) can vary from
$20 per gram to $12 depending on how much you order at one time. The
other reason is that cost per ml. depends on the ratio of platinum to
palladium you use in your sensitizer. Palladium costs about 1/4 of the
price of platinum, all things considered, so you can see that if you are
using a 4 to 1 ratio of platinum to palladium, the cost would be much
different than a 1 to 4 ratio. I think you could
consider a cost of $2 to $3 per ml. of sensitizer as a good ball park figure.
That said, an 8X10 print, with no mistakes, would cost six to seven
dollars with the paper, etc. Not that expensive unless it takes 5 or six
tries to make that print.
I would welcome you to read the articles I have written for View Camera
on this process. If you contact me off list I would be happy to send you
xeroxs of them.