Re: The "New" Cyanotype - Part 2 (
Tue, 07 January 1997 12:22 PM

>Bill, you don't say if you were using the same paper --although the other
>variables you mention would surely be important (esp. how long you wait
>before drying), I'd expect that to be the most overriding. And, of course,
>as we now know, even if it were the same *nominal* paper, it could be from
>a different lot. (As the guy from Arches said, "what's platinum

Yup, same paper, but perhaps from a different batch, indeed most likely so.
After the first batch or so, Arches has supposedly settled on the formula
and manufacturing process and won't change it, but then Ford wasn't going
to ever get rid of the Edsel either. But I've found with several papers
that drying it naturally (ie w/o a hair dryer) decreases the tonal range
and dMax compared to coating it, letting it sit 5-15 minutes, then using
the hair dryer, so for me the difference lies in the technique, regardless
of the paper. I think Dave and I get up on different sides of the bed,
that's all, at the least different sides of the coast and we all know what
that can do.

