Re: "New" Cyanotype - & Pt/Pd proportions
Beakman (
Tue, 07 January 1997 8:12 PM
> Thanks to all who responded to my questions. It was very helpful to
> hear from you all.
> Perhaps I wasn't clear in my question, but I was looking for DMax values
> for the paper (platine single coated with Pd, developed with Pot. Ox.)
> I am curious as to what density range people get with reflected readings
> off their prints. David Fokos mentions "crackin DMax" and "absolute
> coal black DMax". Numbers would help me compare my results to yours.
> Thanks,
> Dan Donovan
It's a bit difficult to get accurate readings of Dmax off of fibrous
watercolor type papers, but I have measured black with a density in the
range of 1.45. Nothing compared to the glossy black of a silver based
paper, but it looks as black as a charcoal briquet.
I hope this helps,